10 December 2002

Lop Rabbit

See that rabbit at left? I find it so cute. It's an orange Holland Lop Rabbit. It's not a stuffed toy that's in the picture but an actual rabbit. hehe! Something called a lop rabbit. And I'm looking to buy one. Unfortunately, I doubt if I can find one for sale in Manila.

07 December 2002

El Primero Hueves de Diciembre

Had a rather uneventful day. Just work at the office. Then home. Watched The Amazing Race on the AXN cable TV channel for two hours. Can't believe John Vito and Jill were eliminated. They're my second most favorite team. Then spent some 4 hours yakking on the phone with a friend from 10pm 'til 2am. Ack!!

El Primero Sabado de Diciembre

Spanish language class this morning.
Then lunch.
Then Christmas shopping in bazaars for gifts for family and friends. I find it more difficult and time-consuming looking for the right gifts for family. Aaarrggghhh!! Anyways, I certainly do hope to get all the gift-buying done today.

06 December 2002

Shopping for Work

Bridget Jones' Diary is playing in my DVD player while I write this.

Divisoria Shopping

Have 1K from office petty cash. Will shop. Ack! It's just my assignment for our office Christmas party of sorts on the 12th = buy prizes for the games. So, have the 1k, will shop. :P

Recalling the late afternoon shopping I did earlier. Bought the ff:

- 6 mugs
- 4 other items for prizes
= bag
= organizer/filofax
= wall clock
= big colorful 101 Dalmatians towel
- 25 Christmas wrappers for all the items in plain frosty blue, pretty indeed. :P
- a giftbox for the towel and
- a set gift cards

bought all of the above along Juan Luna Street and was left with P151.00 out of the 1000K budget. Not bad. My first Divisoria shopping expedition went quite well if I may say so. :P
Without my wallet clandestinely stolen by some itchyhand bad street character. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! ;)


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