28 September 2014

Les iPhones 6 et 6 Plus

I was just at the Apple store twice last week, trying out the two new iPhones.  I've been waiting for Apple to come out with a phablet as I ride out my phone's term contract with the service provider.  The contract expired this month. 

screenshot from the Apple website

I haven't got the iPhone yet let's be clear.  I'm not the sort to buy the first things that come out.  I wait and see reviews first.  I just went to the store to try both out and see which color I like best in person before I decide if I should get one.  My impressions:
  • The first time I held each they felt really slippery.  That's the biggest thing that struck me quite not so favourably.  So slippery I had to grip each while trying it out.
  • Because of the slippery metal back:  They look nice but the design is such that you have to buy a case if you don't want to end up with a broken iPhone much sooner (now what sort of design is that, Mr. Jony Ive? Lol).  If you don't appreciate just how fragile these things can get, please see this video of someone who did some drop tests on each model.  Eye opener there.
  • Better graphics than my oldie (almost Jurassic) Google Android phone.  I loved the iPhone's UI. wah.
  • Can only use the 6 Plus with both hands.  I don't think it's designed so you can use it with one hand only.  I tried but I had to tilt it some (and risk it slipping out of my hand) to be able to use it one-handed.
  • I think the nicest color for me is the silver one.  I found it really looked clean.  Almost minimalist Japanese design which I also love (except it sacrificed with a slippery design you need a case for, gosh.).  Then the darker black or gray one next.
  • I liked the resolution on the 6 Plus more.  I tested via a streaming youtube video of a late night talk show.
  • I liked that it's really like a little tablet the 6 Plus.  Smaller than the iPad Mini.  Like another article mentioned, it should have been called iPad Nano.  Lol!  Its display orientation changes to landscape.  I didn't see a disable option on that aspect of it though when I checked the Screen/Display settings to do so.

Anyway, my reasons for having an iPhone as my next phone?

Run - Row

the baby lion by the machine

Now it's getting colder, I got a rowing machine last month for those times when it's just too cold to go out to run.  I also find I am seated a lot while watching TV (of course) and that's not exactly improving my physical wellbeing. :P  Lol.

And so... I found using a rowing machine as the solution.  I found the treadmill boring at the gym (I am just bored or lazy going to gyms or any exercise class) but at least with a rowing machine it's an all-body workout, not just the lower half and I can do it at home.  And it exercises one's core including the lower back and is lower impact than running.  Awesome!

I got it online, had it delivered at work.  And friends helped me bring the package home.  Can't carry the thing by myself.  hehe!  I use it for an hour each night or whenever possible, while watching TV.  I'm loving my machine.

Another Hotel Stay

This time, 'cause of an airline service snafu, I missed my connecting flight some weeks back, and the airline had me stay overnight at a Hilton hotel near the airport on one side of the Atlantic.  So they should!  Needless to say I no longer care about my points with this airline and would book my succeeding trips with any airline first other than this one if I can help it.  Such a disappointment.

2014 BBQs and Picnics

Just some pics of meals I had over the BBQs and picnics I attended this summer.  And I thought it was only during the Christmas holidays when we have more opportunity to gorge on food.  Gah.

At one park by a lake and nice view of the mountains.

At another park - here I skipped the ribs (not really into red meat) and the creamy pasta, and only took a little of the potato salad.  No burgers nor hotdogs served at this picnic this time.  But great salad, chicken, salmon, bread, skewered veggies, and a little brownie.  Teehee!

at our office bbq - We had two office bbqs this summer but I have only 1 pic. 

Now that's quite some food. 

27 September 2014

Bye iPod Classic and Hello iTunes v11.4

Before the iPhone, there was the iPod Classic.  Now that iPhone 6 is released, Apple has discontinued the iPod Classic. =(

I love my iPod Classic 5th generation, with 80gb.  It's both a music and video player, a portable file back up device, and back then at least, photos straight from a camera can be backed up to the device as well!  I didn't have to bring a laptop to back up photos or find a place to back up the photos to a CD/DVD what have you when on the road travelling.  Gosh.

It's simpler to use than iTunes and I don't have to have to buy music from iTunes to play my collection.  That music player didn't have to be combined with a multimedia and communications device such as an iPhone.  There are just lots of occasions when I'd rather use my music player independently of the one in my smartphone.  I've even brought my iPod on a trek in the Himalayas.  I imagine an iPhone would be rather less useful to me up on the boondocks and past the clouds, don't you think?  And I was able to take my iPod with me running.  I can't imagine carrying a "taller"/bigger and more slippery iPhone in place of the iPod so I can have music on one ear while running.  *sighs*

Anyway, I just updated my iTunes program on my Macbook to v11.4, and now Apple wants me to sign in with my Apple ID before I can play music from "radio" in iTunes.  Gah.  Thank goodness for TuneIn radio.  I don't like the idea of having to sign in to listen to radio on the Internet.  Like what does Apple care that I have to sign in with my Apple ID before the radio feature on iTunes can be useful?  Geez.  Gathering data on me? *frowns*

I've never used nor created an iTunes/Apple ID account before this, though I've been a Mac OS X user since 2005, back when Mac laptops didn't yet run on Intel chips, but rather on Motorola ones (I believe).

Sorry I kind of digressed.  I was just annoyed by this iTunes radio Apple ID sign in bit.

So back to the iPod, this means I might have to shop around sooner or later for an alternative.  *sighs*  Thanks Apple!  Really! (smiley rolls eyes).  Sony's looks promising.  Or I'll just stick with an iPhone.  Not very happy about this at all!  Gah.  My iPod's still in good shape.  I wonder when its battery will finally die.


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