26 July 2002


Caught a new TV program last night while reading up/studying VB6. The program is called Juice and I found it enjoyable watching it. It's like a magazine program with topics on fitness/health, space organization/interior design, fashion, travel, etc. in a fun, lively, humorous and engaging manner. It's obviously targeted towards audiences who are between the ages of 15 and 30.

I found it so engaging, that I who don't watch fitness programs, actually watched that section of the show. For last night, a segment of the fitness show used a sort of "infomercial" method in presentation: complete with hosts/subjects who, while talking, has their lips not moving in tandem with the voice dubbing. Quite funny really. hehe. And most of their hosts are non-threatening-looking ones: meaning, they resemble us ordinary folks. Some look like college kids while others are young professionals. The show's somewhat of a change from the usual more structured lifestyle programs. I liked it.

25 July 2002


Am contemplating taking up masteral studies: MS Economics or MA in International Studies major in European Studies. Am thinking:

MBA -- is quite common and am not too interested in it.
MS Economics -- sounds extremely interesting, however, it seems it might have a heavier workload than most. Tsk!
MA International Studies -- hmmmm!!!

24 July 2002

Cooking Show

Just saw this cooking program on TV hosted by Wolfgang Puck. Second time I caught it on TV. I'm aware he is a chef who owns (or maybe used to own) the Spago restaurant in California; but again, for the second time, I found myself laughing while watching the show. Somehow, I find how he says things quite amusing, particularly with his Austrian accent. I'm certain the amusement shall wear off soon. :P

22 July 2002


Studied, or rather, read the first half of "Visual Basic 6 for Dummies" by Wallace Wong. So far, it's aptly titled. It is indeed for dummies; well at least, the first half of the book (the one I've read so far) is. Hopefully, the latter half won't be a disappointment. Glad it was something I borrowed and not something I actually bought. hehe. I guess I'm reading the wrong book. It's best suited for beginners in programming.

21 July 2002

Hello? Hello?

Been itching to buy a new mobile phone or PC lately. My current mobile phone needs to be replaced soon. It's become a text messaging device cum alarm clock rather than a phone. Not sure if it's because of the battery (the second one so far) but the phone dies 5-10 seconds after I answer a phone call or make one. Talk about frustration. Any phone model suggestions? Nothing too high end and complicated for me (like Nokia's Communicator type models). Am thinking of the 6510.


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