07 October 2002

Quarterlife Crisis: Is there such a thing?

What is quarterlife crisis? It refers to that state in the 25th year of a person's earthly existence when not many things in one's own life seem to be going the way he or she wants to. It's like a midlife crisis, only this time, it's something that happens when you're 25.

Case in point: you're 25. You've been in a job for maybe 2 or 3 or 4 years. And yet what you thought you always loved doing doesn't seem to mean as much to you now.

Another case: you haven't really known yet what it is you really want in life and still don't know now.

Or even when you do, it seems that fate is working against you, and you don't get to attain what it is you want even when you already have your plans of attaining it mapped out.

So you get to a point when you're 'doing'. But that's it. You're just 'doing' -- getting by in this state of your existence for the sake of existence. It's bound to get you feeling depressed somehow or another. That's a life existing in crisis, an existential one; only now, it occurred earlier than expected.

It's just good to put this in writing; especially after a get-together with friends, who, it turned out, happen to be currently experiencing the same thing albeit in varying degrees. I wouldn't have thought that several other people I know seem to be in the same state almost at the same time: they are resigning from their jobs, are thinking of resigning or have already resigned, are reassessing their careers, seeking some other source for a sense of fulfillment, etc.

So anyway, enough of this crap. I'm rambling. ;) I'm such a bad writer. Gotta go and live my 20-odd years.


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