16 June 2005

Mi Perfil ++


Date of birth: late 70s
Lefty or righty? Righty

I am a Philippine-born
Chinese-Spanish-Filipino. And know the languages of my heritage, non-native speaker though I might be.

Where, what, why and how?

Occupation: corporate slave in mgm't and technology consulting
Education: un combinacion de estudios artes y direccion de empresas...
Schools: You wouldn't really wanna know would you?... hehe.


Music Video: Love Thy Will be Done (vocals by Martika; in black and white)
Food: Asian/Italian
Drink: none in particular
Car: maybe a mid-sized SUV. I'm not really a car person
Colour: shades of green and violet
Time of year: spring/fall
Day: Sundays


Do you believe in God? Yes
Optimist or pessimist? Realist
Cake or death? Pasta
Aisle or window seat? Aisle seat, anytime. :P
Give or receive? both
Batman or Spiderman? Batman
Mickey or Donald? Donald
Beach or Mountains? the beach
Alternative careers that would be interesting: international development work, urban planning, travel photography
Pet peeves? When I'm late, when others are late.

Me, Myself, I

I hate Mondays. And get Monday morning blues most of the time because I make the most out of my Sundays. haha.

I like going out and winding down a hectic workweek with dinner and coffee/tea with friends. I also love an occasional trip to watch movies, theatre, cultural event, etc. But most especially, when the opportunity arises, I love going out of town on weekends to the beach, mountains, other trips, etc...

But I'm also a home girl at heart.
I prefer to stay home on Sundays while enjoying a good read, crap on TV, or something on the Net. I'm not afraid of meeting new people but am not really a party-going person. My life is quite simple at the moment.

I like culture, languages, and photography. I like going out of town because it gives me new places, people, scenes and color to photograph. I like taking pictures and easily find interesting subjects and angles. I like walks/walking or exploring. Naturally, to travel is always a welcome idea for me, especially when I haven't been to the place yet.
It's always nice to explore and experience new places and learn more about oneself.

I'm not much of a shopping or mall enthusiast. Shopping is a chore to me. I shop for necessity rather than interest. Otherwise, I go to malls only 'cause I like hanging out with my pals.

If cities were used to describe me, I am a San Francisco rather than a New York. :P I prefer the former over the latter. I find the latter overrated.

I prefer wine/vodka drinks, over beer. But can only drink them when my tummy is not empty.

My most surreal experience would be when the Eurostar train I was riding seemed to be moving over or surrounded by the waters on its way to Venice. Waters and boats right outside the windows... That was awesome. And unforgettable. I was quite dumbstruck that for once I failed to take a photo of something I found utterly interesting. Bummer!!! haha!

And lastly, the 3 favorite places I've been to so far are Granada and Santiago de Compostela (both in Spain), Florence and Via Appia Antica (outside of Rome) in Italy, and any beach/island in the Philippines that's also like the one I went to in Panglao Island (yep, I took that pic) in Bohol province. I love the sea: standing by it, viewing it, walking by it, being in it, but not being under it. hehe! :)


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