15 June 2010

Villeneuve Lez Avignon, France - A Recollection

Below is a collection of favorite photos I took while exploring the old part of the little town of Villeneuve Lez Avignon in France.  It's just across the River Rhone from the city of Avignon.  Avignon is actually the first city I went to on my first trip to France during the fall of 2005.  Not Paris.  So it has quite a memorable hold on me.  It also wasn't very touristy around that time I arrived, as compared with Italy, or Paris itself.  I was the lone tourist exploring the place, except for 3 Swiss visitors at Fort St. André.  Hehe!

 me and my map in hand, at the portal to Fort St.  André

1.  What seems to be an old church

Above is a bit of an arresting site.  I had to stop in my tracks and take a shot.  It seemed to be an old structure that was probably a church some long time ago, given the presence of a belfry at its top.  Or maybe it was actually still a church.  Add to that the structure of a low stone well in the foreground and I just had to photograph it.  hehe.

2.  Perspective of two schoolgirls walking

Two French schoolgirls probably walking home.  I like this scene and perspective when I chanced upon it.

3.  Old provincial French street

That's a photo of a little street, one among many I walked on, going to my destination -- Fort St. André.  The automobile in the foreground is a characteristic old French car.  I loved seeing the fall leaves/vines and some reddish ones clinging to a wall of one of the old houses on the left.  Walking this area felt like walking through Sleeping Beauty's or Beauty and the Beast's town.  Honestly.  Lol!  It also reminded me of the setting of the film Chocolat.  Hehe!

4.  Little fall leaves

The little red leaves from the vines, on the ground, surrounding a little manhole cover.  They were from the vines climbing through the house's wall in the previous picture.  Fall leaves don't just come in hues of oranges and browns after all.  They include reds and pinks too.   =)

5.  Fort St. André

That's one of the portals into Fort St. Andre, from which I entered.  Photo was taken once I got inside.  I liked seeing the pointed arch and the perspective outside of the countryside.  It was like trying to bring the outside in or vice versa.  And the design/architecture of the place really reminds me of the Walt Disney animation Sleeping Beauty -- one of my favorite Disney animation films.  Hehe!

Yes, there see?  That's the portal from afar.  With a man standing not far on the left.  See the crenellations at the top, too?  Very interesting.  As I got in, I couldn't help but imagine the soldiers with horses and carts back then assigned to this fort, to hold off any Roman invasion as called forth by the papacy in Rome, the Vatican, while a French Pope installed himself in Avignon.  That was one of the purposes of Fort St.  Andre.  The towers there were also used as holding cells.  I learned from a local that the Fort is now owned and run by descendants of those who used to live/work there way back then.  Therefore, it's an expensive place to keep and also had a Benedictine Abbey.   There are gardens as well, plus what remains of an old cemetery.  I'm just glad I got to explore this old fortress.

6.  Little dog on a porch

That's a little dog sitting on the porch of one of the old charming homes I walked past going to Fort St.  André.  I love dogs and this one's a really cute one just sitting there, watching me as I took its photo.

See more photos of my exploration of Villeneuve Lez Avignon here and here.


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