22 May 2011

Recently Bought Online

Another day, another mundane post.   :P

Mainly for an upcoming trip, I've bought a couple of items online in the past 2-3 months; all on amazon.com.  It's just  more convenient that way, especially when I know some friends coming over to Manila from the US who are willing to bring the items for me, but also because most of the items are stuff on my to-buy list but can't find sold in the country.

I don't really enjoy going to the malls unless I am hanging out with friends/family, or I feel like buying new clothes at Promod, or some kawaii stuff at a Sanrio store, or some books at the bookstores, or am researching/window-shopping for outdoor gear/apparel and gadgets/computers to compare with online shopping price and availability. Yeah?  hehe!

So anyhow, my latest online purchases are kind of related to some future plans which involve trekking/the outdoors and my other interest which is photography, and the rest are items I like but which I can't find in the Philippines.

So let's see the stuff I bought online (for a planned trip) which I can't find in shops in Manila:

- even if this might now be available in Manila, just like other imported consumer electronics items, it would cost about Php 10k (USD 250) more or less than the price in the US (online or not).  So when it comes to digital cameras, I always buy either online in amazon.com or in HK or the US where it'd cost me less so this is no different. hehehe!

- Read "leather hiking boots", not trail shoes k... hehe.  Absolutely not available in the places I checked out in Manila.  Not in department stores, in outdoor gear/apparel/shoe stores, not even at the big outdoor gears store in Taguig.  I need a sturdier leather one and was recommended a Timberland pair (below) since the trek I'm doing soon lasts weeks or a month, not just 2 or 3 days, along a really high altitude mountain range not in the Philippines.

- thick merino wool ones... prevents blisters, anti-bacterial, etc.  not available in Manila either

4.  poncho
- not sure where I can find one in Manila; useful to cover myself or bag if it rains during the trek

5.  Lonely Planet guide
- might come in very handy; the specific one I bought is not available in the bookstores here.  Tsk!  No photo posted, not ready to divulge yet where I'm going to. :P  lol.

6.  Extra camera gear - All not found in Manila or uncertain availability in some shops, since they are for Olympus and this is Canon and Nikon country.  lol.

- pouch I can clip to bag or belt for easy accessibility to XZ-1 camera while on the trail;  I would be "shooting from the hip" so to speak, when trekking.  So I need the right pouch for quick access to my camera along the trail, not have to open my bag and rummage for it.  
I really searched long and hard online and in the malls for such an item. And finally, thanks to an online photography/camera forum on the XZ-1, I learned of this pouch, and promptly added it to my amazon.com shopping cart when I didn't see it being sold here. 
Below are miscellaneous items unrelated to my trip plan but also not available in the country (not sure re the Sigur Rós CD though):  
- 2 CDs, 1 DVD, and a pair of my favorite Teva Olowahu flip flops (It's the fifth pair I've bought so far.  Worn out two...lost one on a domestic flight from San Francisco... and got this new pair before the current one wears out. Couldn't get enough of this really)

And lastly, cards for my digital cameras.   
- Available in the country of course but more convenient to just get them online along with the other items already bought.  Cost less too.  =)

Most of these items are in my to-buy list, especially the camera gear and trip-related items.  After having done so, it made me really appreciate this online shopping effort, and somewhat deplore the lack of such a service in the Philippines.  The whole online shopping experience for such items was less aggravation all around and saved me time and effort.

Honestly, I wish there was an amazon.com in the Philippines or something quite like it.  Then I wouldn't have to brave driving/parking in Metro Manila (hate this), or the traffic, as well as the mall crowds for shopping errands like buying the items above: camera gear, socks, book, the flip flops, etc...  No taxes too.  Or shipping fees.  Items are delivered to one's home.  One less thing or errand to worry about.  Counts for a lot.

It's funny though 'cause the one item I didn't think I'd find in the Philippines, I found in Makati.  Lol!   A pair of trekking poles.

my shock-absorbent poles, not yet unpacked

Found them at the Coleman store in Park Square.  I even forgot that there was a Coleman store in Park Square, until I saw it on one of my jaunts in Makati after work, looking for some of the items I listed above.  1 pole costs only about 2 USD more than in the US.  Nice!  I don't have to trouble my friend in bringing a relatively big item here anymore.  hehe.

Can you tell am excited about this trip?  hahaha!  I'll post more about it + photos probably long after it's done.  hihi!


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