30 December 2012

Fish & Chips

my plate...  huuge serving!

Went to a seaside town for dinner with some dear companions tonight. Had dinner at a little restaurant called Moby Dick. It was small but bustling even on this winter night. Amazing. Had clam chowder and fish & chips with hot sauce and tartare sauce for dips. Plus ginger ale drink for me. And it was all yummy!! Tee hee

the whale-shaped menu holder on the window sill

26 December 2012

British TV Series

I like the music for the opening titles for the British TV series Garrow's Law. Actually I like the show, too; and its cinematography, especially.

I watched/currently watch the following British TV series:
  • Downton Abbey
  • Spooks or MI5
  • Case Histories
  • Garrow's Law
  • Lark Rise to Candleford

The next British TV series on my to-watch list:
  • the current season of Downton Abbey
  • Parade's End
  • Strike Back
  • The Hunted

Happy Christmas 2012!

Happy holidays!

Blinkety blink blink!! That's a shot of my parol or Christmas lantern. Shipped all the way from Manila with my "goods to follow" cargo. Merry Christmas everyone!

19 December 2012

Planet Earth

One of those things on my wishlist... DVD or if I had Blu-Ray, a copy of BBC's Planet Earth. hehe.

Anyhoo, I know I've blogged this video before with music by Sigur Ros. I'm just gonna blog it again. :P I love this video. It's among the best and most emotive ones I've seen, and heard. Hope you like it too. Such great visuals. Beautiful. Sigur Ros's song Hoppilolla just slams it home more.

Great Intro

My gosh. I watched this film two nights ago and am so glad I did, if only for this opening/intro alone.

That's amazing cinematography, to the tune of Beethoven's music too. Pretty cool.

The movie itself I liked too. Production design, the cute kid.. so funny really. I wonder if Lee Pace never laughed while doing scenes with her. She's sooo cute!! Sometimes seems like she just said her lines candidly. lol.

Classic Disney Christmas Toons

Lol!  I love these.  They're classic.

My fave Disney character is actually Donald Duck.  He's so funny.  And these videos below are among my favorite Disney cartoons.  Watched these in my childhood and glad to see them again online.

This is another of my Christmas favorites, Pluto's Christmas tree.

Those chipmunks are annoying. I love Pluto. Lol. 

17 December 2012

Fave Philippines Video

The Philippines. So beautiful. This Survivor intro did the Philippines justice. The shot of the Banawe Rice Terraces.. gosh! And those animals. And the moving aerial view. I suppose it kinda beats any video the Philippines's Department of Tourism has ever put out.

I haven't watched Survivor in a very very long time. 'Til they shot this 25th season in the Philippines and the opening or intro is truly the best I've come across with Survivor. Makes me wanna go back home (but skip Metro Manila and the rat race and crabs there). Lol!

Then it's got shots of the Survivor participants in slow motion... with true emotion, candidly smiling, or really emotional or just challenged. Pretty cool.

And it's in HD too.  And when seen on a really big screen HDTV... oh wow!

Whomever edited it, chose the right scenes at the right time to the right music. It's just stunning. The best. Well done. =)

14 December 2012

Party Mode

Our team just had our annual little Christmas buffet dinner at the pantry last night. Loved the food and the Christmas cracker best of all.  It's my first time to have one!  And of course I wore the paper crown thingie.  hehe!

table top and a Christmas cracker

 my heaping plate beside my Christmas cracker and 
the little toy/spinning top I got from it

 my Christmas cracker and little candy cane

a funny little note from the cracker

I have about 4 more parties to go to this holiday season.  Gah!!!

06 December 2012


Amazing runner and inspirational video.  I miss running.

"...pushing out of that comfort zone. 
Makes you realize how lucky and 
how fortunate we are."

"There's lots of different paths you can take. 
Kind of which set of footprints do you take or 
do you make your own path, 
I think that's the same as life.

Kind of if you follow the same path 
you're always gonna be  
making the same mistakes as the person in front of you.

It's about trying to take the right option 
in order to have the best experience and 
make the most of it and 
make that experience a success."

You definitely got that right,  Mr.  Ryan Sandes. hehe!

Add to that, that sometimes, you don't need your gadgets and Twitter and Facebook or what not to be on a high. Teehee! =)

I must say though, the video reminds me of our Himalaya trek guides last year. They could probably just as easily do the running he does, and in Crocs or rubber thong sandals even, honest.

 take note of the footwear climbing the Himalaya, dearie

our Nepali trek guide Hari in his trusty ol' Crocs while 
we were at the foothills of the Himalaya.  
He started wearing the Crocs when his running shoes gave in.
 Kind of made me feel like an utter "highlander" 
in all our gear.  Da hell!  Tee hee!
And he never missed a beat except 
when he had to slow down for the likes of me.  Lol!  
Dhaany baad Hari.  Hehe.

Speaking of trips... I'd like to go on a road trip again some time I just don't know when.  I've done Canada's Icefields Parkway... one of the world's top drives of a lifetime, according to National Geographic.  I certainly agree.  But next, I'd like to try Norway, Iceland, or Scotland.  So many places to see.  I wonder where my next trip shall take me?  Gah.

04 December 2012

Where Is My Mind

Beautiful cover of the song Where is My Mind.

Oh, stop
With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse

But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind
Where is my mind

Where is my mind
Way out in the water
See it swimmin'
I was swimmin' in the Caribbean

Animals were hiding behind the rock
Except the little fish
But they told me, he swears
Tryin' to talk to me koi koy

Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Where is my mind
Way out in the water

See it swimmin'
With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse

If there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind
Where is my mind

Where is my mind
Way out in the water
See it swimmin'

With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah

07 October 2012

At the Races

At the races with some buds:

I bet on a horse named Winter Bliss.  A white horse and she looked really graceful.  She led the race at the beginning too, but fell behind to 4th at the finish.  Still she was the coolest-looking horse that day.  Lol!

I Love Fall

It's fall and I love it!  Love the weather, love the leaves, etc.  It's sunny but not humid.  It's breezy.  It's perfect!  Even bought a cute autumn wreath to decorate my hallway.  Hehe!

Plus there's so many good fall shows.  Some old ones are back and several new ones look promising.  There are so many I just don't have time to watch all of them.  These are the shows on my PVR:
  • The Amazing Race
  • Project Runway
  • Revolution
  • Elementary
  • World Without End
  • Revenge
  • Grey's Anatomy
  • Parenthood
  • Last Resort
  • Scandal
  • 666 Park Avenue
  • Once Upon a Time
  • The Good Wife
  • Survivor Philippines
  • American Horror Story

More than a dozen shows!  Gosh.  Some shows I can put off watching 'til the winter I guess.  The ones I like watching best from the above?
  • World Without End
  • The Amazing Race
  • Project Runway
  • Elementary
  • Parenthood
  • The Good Wife
  • Survivor Philippines - because it's set in beautiful Philippines.  Lol.
  • American Horror Story

And the shows I'm anticipating to see:
  • The Walking Dead
  • Downton Abbey
  • Homeland

Happy Thanksgiving!  Gotta get ready for a friend's thanksgiving dinner tonight.  Ciao!

12 September 2012

My Mobile Gadgets & Cons vs Android

I have the ff:

- laptop
- smart phone
- tablet
- cameras

The gadget I can do without most?  The tablet.  It came free so that's good.  I didn't have to spend a real dime on it.  Useful though when travelling and you don't need the additional weight of a laptop, if you need to use one.  But last time I travelled, I didn't get to use it.  Wifis at the airports I was in were quite weak, virtually impossible to connect to or get data from.  That includes Heathrow's Terminal 5 (my most stressful international terminal experience ever... would prefer not to go through that place again if I can help it).  And I didn't think to use it when I got the good wifi signal at a place I stayed in, I opted to use my smartphone for data via wifi instead.  Hmmm.  So I might leave the tablet altogether next time I travel.

As for my smartphone, it's an Android one.  And the phone's a Google Nexus phone.  Came free with the plan I signed up for.

I'm waiting for the Apple iPhone 5 reviews to come out.  It's too bad Apple opted to ditch Google Maps this time as I use it to get directions to whichever location I need to get to.  I wonder how their alternative is?  And if any browser in iPhone 5 would let me still use Google maps?  Maybe I'll change phones to iPhone 5 next year, pending reviews and budget of course.  Hehe!  I do like spending funds on travels, and not on constantly updating my gadgets even when they still work.

If I end up with an iPhone, I might donate my current smartphone to this NGO.  They need it.  And I probably wouldn't miss it since I don't find anything really special with its design.  Hehe!

My Android phone also couldn't be read by my Apple laptop therefore I couldn't back up my phonebook to my PC.  I like Apple's products, but I'm not that much of a fanatic.  These companies should be fined for making things so exclusive that you're forced to buy one or the other.  What a waste.

And I hate how Google seems to have changed the Android function/interface such that I have to be signed in to my Google account to add someone's info to my phonebook.  Even if they allow me not having to sign in to add info to my phonebook, they certainly don't make it easy as I wasn't able to do so.  Therefore, Google would have all the goods on you, and whomever you're adding.  Like they're gathering a directory of everyone on their servers.  The ones you're adding probably aren't going to appreciate it if they knew that their info would be stored by Google instead of just in my phone unit or network operator.  So it's very invasive don't you think?   Which is why I'm still checking out if I'd have the same issue if I switch to Apple's smartphone.

We'll see.

FB Rant

FB.. not F something else ok?  Lol.  FB for Facebook, you know, the social networking site?  Its market value is now not as high as was expected but honestly, how can such a site even be thought to have a high market value?  It's not really even a necessary product or service.   Full of hype and air.  It's like one of those boom and bust dot com sites.  The problem is, it's taking too long to bust.  Lol!

To post and share family pics aside, FB I think is the best tool for snoopy, and narcissistic people who most probably have not such a high concept of privacy and have lots of time on their idle hands.

Obviously I am not fond of this site.  I have an account with it though.  But unlike many people, I don't constantly stream updates on it of what's going on with me, my life, where I am, my opinions, etc for everyone on my network.  I don't know.  Who the *toot* cares right?  Lol.  A little update here and there is fine.  But really, I don't need your whole biography constantly updating.  Good thing they don't post that they have to do number 1 or 2.  Lol!  I swear if these people had FB since they were babies and if such babies already had consciousness and the motor dexterity to even have their own FB and update them constantly, they probably would do so.  Like how daddy or mommy changed their nappies when they had to 'go to the loo', how they burped on whatever food they had, what play date they're going to and with whom, where and when.  And I find it quite pathetic, these unnecessary updates.

So I don't really access it often and when I do, it's mostly to approve someone's request to be added to my network.  You can bet I don't post too many pics of my own family/loved ones on any such site.  And when I do, they're shared only within the family/loved ones in my account.

The only thing I find FB most useful for is to use its messaging tool when you can't reach someone quickly via other alternatives.  Everyone checks their their FB regularly that when they get messages from it, they respond faster than if you email them.  *shrugs*  Worked for me.  Especially when such friends/families are overseas.

Otherwise, I couldn't care less that FB's market value/stock valuation has plummeted.  Actually I'b be only too glad if this site disappeared altogether.  And then there won't be those annoying F U, I mean FB, links in my other consumer electronics or communication sites and devices.  Because like I said, who the *choose your own expression* cares?  Someone should make a survey of how annoyed do people get when they see those share links.  And add how glad would they be if instead of the share link, they are reminded to spend time offline sharing real time, honest to goodness, time and communication with their social network.

Furthermore, I hate FB's privacy policy.  I hate how it sort of co-owns photos you post on the site.  So for a photography amateur/enthusiast like me, I don't post many of my photography too much there.  I put them on Picasa, with better privacy options, and share the Picasa link to selected people in my FB account, if they're really interested to view them.

So FB's okay.  But only in moderation.  And I wouldn't miss it if it were gone altogether.  :P

12 August 2012

Skirt & Bagpipe by the Water

Took this video last weekend. =)

There's something about bagpipes I like.  I'm also reminded of the first time I heard one played live by a female busker (see my shot below) at one of the arched entryways at the plaza near the Cathedral when I was in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

hmmm.. Maybe should have taken a video of this too. hehe.

Some other pics from last weekend:

Sail Away

I listened to this song more than 10 years ago, became one of my favorites and have it in my collection.  I listened to it again today and it's still as great as ever.  Gah!

David Gray and Adele make really sad or emotive music. But I like them just the same. Lol.  In fact I think David Gray's Greatest Hits CD is also perfect while on a long drive or road trip.

04 July 2012

TV Shows

The following are some shows I watch and one or a few that I don't.  Just a random blog...

1.  Masterchef US - Chef Joe is fierce.  I'd be so stressed out working with someone like that I think.  Gordon Ramsay ends up looking like an angel next to him.  However, he's like a super strict teacher but at least you improve with a mentor like that.  This is also one of my favorite shows.

2.  Game of Thrones - "Winter is coming".  Teehee!  My favorite.  Enough said.  Currently reading the books on this too.

3.  The Good Wife - always interesting

4.  Harry's Law - interesting and funny, well-written

5.  The Big Bang Theory - alllways funny, hehe!

6.  New Adventures of Old Christine - Julia Louis Dreyfuss is a great comedienne and watching this show is a stress relief too.  haha.

7.  House Hunters & House Hunters International - on the HGTV network.  I like it 'cause I'm curious to see how homes are in other countries, the design, the destination.  The ones they've featured, in France (Paris) and Italy (Florence) I liked those apartments, particularly the one owned by an artist in Florence.  Nice!  They were quite amazing and full of character and identity, plus good use of space.  The design and personal touches the current owners (not the ones seeking to buy) have there, wow.

10 June 2012

06 May 2012

Our Perspective on Freedom

 something I shot several years ago, a parade on Ayala Avenue, at the 
Philippines's Central Business District (CBD) where I used to work

Two weeks ago, I learned something interesting that made me think of life in another perspective. 

We all know the current goings on with regards to Iran/Israel/US, etc.  But it hadn't really hit closer to home until I got into a longer conversation with one of my co-workers.

This co-worker is an older gentleman from Iran. And the reason he is now here was because of political/ethnic persecution in Iran around the time the Shah was assassinated and Iran began to be ruled by the ayatollah.  He can't go back to Iran at all 'cause he says he'll be killed if he went back, because he's not Muslim.  He belongs to a small ethnic/religious group from Iran and turns out that in Iran if you're not Muslim, it's not good.  His dad was executed at that time, so his family had to leave Iran and he hasn't been back since.  If he goes back Iran won't let him leave the country again and kill him.  I am sure Iran is a beautiful country, with history and culture more established than yours and mine, but with people who are just like us and proud of their identity and country.  However, based on this life experience of my co-worker and most likely countless other Iranians, of course one would think a nuclear Iran is indeed not a good prospect whether or not you're an Israeli.  Lol. 

Anyway, I was quite surprised to learn of this.  I hadn't realized that being of another ethnic/cultural group that isn't Muslim would mean death in Iran.  So yes, that made me put things in some more perspective about my life and the freedoms I enjoy whether back in the Philippines or here where I now reside.  I left the Philippines not out of necessity (in fact I procastinated 'cause I had a pretty good life back there too) but just to have a better quality of urban or sub-urban life in pretty and natural surroundings (view of snowy mountains in the distance from your window can't be beat in this area) and better or more opportunities to indulge in my travel interests as often as I can.

shot from the rooftop of the condo I used to live in at the CBD
Yes, we have buildings that might be taller than yours, lots.  Lol.

Knowing what I learned it made me put things in perspective with regards to the Philippines.  The Philippines might have its own set of problems but no one there gets systematically killed with government or church sanction because they're Muslim, Christian, etc.  The Philippines is a functioning democracy despite the fact that oligarchy still reigns.  People still get to vote, and the press functions quite well with little or no censorship compared with its other Asian neighbors and they value these freedoms very much, while civil groups and NGOs thrive there, too. 

I still love the Philippines and I am proud of how far along it has come for a developing country.  It's more than 90% literate.  And I am glad the locals there are also proud of themselves and their achievements.  Whereas before the Philippines was mostly a source of low-skill resources, it has been for some years a source of highly skilled resources, too, such as engineers, teachers, doctors, nurses, and software engineers.  Take out the locals with gossip and crab mentality and indeed there's much to be proud of.  Soon maybe not as many would need to leave the country any longer to earn their living and provide for their families.  And that leaving the country would be more of a choice rather than a necessity.  With such a big population with large youth demographics indeed the Philippines can go a long way some more.  You harness that population well with good gov't, there's no way else to go but up.  Hehe!

Foggy Days

love that tree

Some pics I took one or two weeks ago. I enjoy taking photos of foggy scenes for some reason.

This tree is now in bloom.  I love spring.

11 April 2012

Chauvet Cave, France


a montage of 32,000-year-old Paleolithic paintings in a cave in a France... 

And I thought Lascaux Cave was the only one. Amazing art on stone.

Filmed with permission by the French Ministry of Culture, by Werner Herzog - Cave of Forgotten Dreams.

10 April 2012

Jasmine Tea


That's a cup of loose leaf jasmine tea. I always have one after dinner.

Testing my Instagram app on Android. It has a bug w/ uploading to 3rd party sites like twitter or tumblr. Forget about Facebook.

So I just hit upload and it posted to my instagram account and that allowed a sharing function to here - my Blogger account.

All this executed via my android phone.

02 April 2012

Good Weekend

Busy Saturday spent running errands. Got a tablet too. Free. Capped off the day as a dinner guest in a country home. Had fresh oysters as appetizers and dungeness crabs for dinner with salad, rice, and white Zinfandel. Got so stuffed by the end. That was pretty good.

Saw a robin in the process at the back porch too. First time to see one. Didn't think it would be big but it was. Hehe.

30 March 2012

Introversion/Extroversion & Workplace Mgm't

Just recently Time magazine ran an article on the power of shyness or introversion.  Having read it, as well as seeing there's a book about it, it's good to know that finally, more people are getting it.

I am an introvert but not excessively so.  Just that I'm not really the sort to talk a lot or talk loud.  I can start conversations but I don't feel like I necessarily have to.  When I do, it means I'm being polite/considerate and approachable.  So if you feel I don't talk much, don't be offended, that's just how I am.  For the likes of myself, there's a time and a place for such things.  I don't mind when others are loud especially when they're funny.  But if you're loud but not funny, only annoying, unprofessionally noisy and disturbing others at work, and bitchy, well, don't expect me to enjoy being within hearing distance from you.  Lol.

Anyhow, other similar articles and comments have sprung from such a topic.  One of which posted: "It's OK to cross the street to avoid making small talk."  Believe it or not, I have crossed the street to avoid making small talk.  Lol! But mostly because the people I crossed the street away from are the ones (former colleagues) whom I'd really not make friendly chitchat with.  Time is gold, and it's best spent doing things we enjoy and spending it with people we like or respect.  hehe.

And another apt quote by Lao Zi: "Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know."  Lao Zi, don't you know it!  Hehe!  It's just unfortunate that a more extroverted American culture permeates corporate workplace culture such that uninformed managers with less experience tend to think that the more vocal and "out there" you are, then you are a good "leader".  I beg to disagree.  I laugh because case in point:  this quote applies precisely to someone I had the unfortunate opportunity to work with. 

17 January 2012

Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow...Not!

December was a rather dry winter where am at.  It snowed only once, overnight, and was gone the next day.  But this month of January, winter has indeed come.

It had started snowing one night last week.  Since it's my first time overseas during winter in a place not normally known to snow everyday, the sight was quite a surprise to witness in the late evening.  The scene and sky was sort of red, with flakes falling fast.  It didn't look like my usual evening.

that's pretty much the color of what I saw that night

I took a video from the den/balcony of the snow falling that evening.  Hehe!

 a closer look at a tree branch near me

using auto white balance, scene turned bluish green

So it snowed in the past 2 days or so.  Today is no exception, it snowed in earnest today. 

10 January 2012

More Fun in the Philippines

The Philippines's Department of Tourism is launching its new tourism campaign "More Fun in the Philippines".

I found it simple yet effective and easier to promote.  Many people do.  It's been quite successful locally.  No wonder there's now even an online More Fun in the Philippines meme generator, whereas the official campaign site hasn't yet gone live (now that's a fail.  Tsk!).

Anyhow, I posted a photo I shot in Panglao Island with the meme via the morefunmaker website:

It's true.  Some activities are indeed more fun in the Philippines.  Now if only traffic/driving/and the commute isn't so stressful in Metro Manila (definitely not fun!), then I could have had more fun in the city.  Lol.

Yes many things, activities and people are more fun in the Philippines but some of the customs people (on arrival in the country) at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 1 -- the oldest NAIA terminal -- certainly aren't.  And they're notorious for this. 

You arrive tired from a trip, looking forward to getting past the airport gates and being home sweet home, but wait, customs person here is definitely sending feelers to get some "goody/ies" from me or whatever are in my/our bags...asking, staring at, and pointing at our huge bags "o, ang dami nyong bags.. ano mga nauwi nyo... ang lalaki ng bag nyo ah?" (translation... it's akin to saying: "Wow these bags you've brought back are rather big... what did you guys bring home?") or something to the effect which didn't sound quite right to our ears.  It's almost like telling us, "If you get my meaning...." Red flag! 

To which I would dearly have loved to have replied, "Sipa, gusto mo?"  (loose translation: Want a kick in the butt?)  hahahaha!  :D  And to think those bags were from a weeks-long trek we undertook in the Himalaya.  Geez.  Sige, iyo na lang my hiking sticks/trekking poles.  Go take a hike won't you?  And never return sana.. hahaha!  *sighs* 

03 January 2012

Xmas and New Year's Eve Party Pics

Some new year's eve party pics...

 black forest cake


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