12 September 2012

FB Rant

FB.. not F something else ok?  Lol.  FB for Facebook, you know, the social networking site?  Its market value is now not as high as was expected but honestly, how can such a site even be thought to have a high market value?  It's not really even a necessary product or service.   Full of hype and air.  It's like one of those boom and bust dot com sites.  The problem is, it's taking too long to bust.  Lol!

To post and share family pics aside, FB I think is the best tool for snoopy, and narcissistic people who most probably have not such a high concept of privacy and have lots of time on their idle hands.

Obviously I am not fond of this site.  I have an account with it though.  But unlike many people, I don't constantly stream updates on it of what's going on with me, my life, where I am, my opinions, etc for everyone on my network.  I don't know.  Who the *toot* cares right?  Lol.  A little update here and there is fine.  But really, I don't need your whole biography constantly updating.  Good thing they don't post that they have to do number 1 or 2.  Lol!  I swear if these people had FB since they were babies and if such babies already had consciousness and the motor dexterity to even have their own FB and update them constantly, they probably would do so.  Like how daddy or mommy changed their nappies when they had to 'go to the loo', how they burped on whatever food they had, what play date they're going to and with whom, where and when.  And I find it quite pathetic, these unnecessary updates.

So I don't really access it often and when I do, it's mostly to approve someone's request to be added to my network.  You can bet I don't post too many pics of my own family/loved ones on any such site.  And when I do, they're shared only within the family/loved ones in my account.

The only thing I find FB most useful for is to use its messaging tool when you can't reach someone quickly via other alternatives.  Everyone checks their their FB regularly that when they get messages from it, they respond faster than if you email them.  *shrugs*  Worked for me.  Especially when such friends/families are overseas.

Otherwise, I couldn't care less that FB's market value/stock valuation has plummeted.  Actually I'b be only too glad if this site disappeared altogether.  And then there won't be those annoying F U, I mean FB, links in my other consumer electronics or communication sites and devices.  Because like I said, who the *choose your own expression* cares?  Someone should make a survey of how annoyed do people get when they see those share links.  And add how glad would they be if instead of the share link, they are reminded to spend time offline sharing real time, honest to goodness, time and communication with their social network.

Furthermore, I hate FB's privacy policy.  I hate how it sort of co-owns photos you post on the site.  So for a photography amateur/enthusiast like me, I don't post many of my photography too much there.  I put them on Picasa, with better privacy options, and share the Picasa link to selected people in my FB account, if they're really interested to view them.

So FB's okay.  But only in moderation.  And I wouldn't miss it if it were gone altogether.  :P


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