03 September 2013

Reality Bites

And I don't mean the movie.  It's like that Marvin Gaye song "What's Going On?"

When we were younger:
- we didn't know about BPA, and people I know, including me, grew up ok
- we didn't know about non-pure whatever it's called milk and we turned out ok
- we didn't know about gluten-free stuff and we still turned out ok


And also, when we were younger:
- we didn't have rains that would devastatingly flood a whole area in one day that never got flooded in such short amount of time as it does in these past few years
- (post-Holocaust) we haven't heard of normal governments gassing their own citizens (children, men and women alike) like it's par for the course and another country behaving as if it never happened.

Sometimes it feels kinda strange living in a place so far removed from the tons of misery going on elsewhere (genocide, child slavery, unending cycle of poverty, etc).  It just all the more makes it all a bit more starkly real even if it's not in your face.  Makes one think that hell then begins to seem like not an idea but is actually already here all along, you don't need religion to know it exists.

In the meantime the financial markets await the changes ahead with the US Federal Reserve, Ben Affleck is going to be the next Batman (huh?), you have people named Kardashian and Cyrus not really contributing anything of substance never mind artistic value despite however much they earn/are paid, and Samsung and Apple continue to fight it out with Microsoft playing catchup, etc.

The world is not what it was or I just watch/read too much news/current events.  hehe!  Just sayin'.


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