11 April 2004

Second Week of April 2004

would be interested to read
a. Angelina Jolie's journal on her development work in the Third World
b. many other things :P

travel ideas
a. South Africa
b. Croatia, particularly Dubrovnik
c. Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam
d. Morocco

work clothes and shopping, chore chore chore chore chore. :P
Sick and tired of my work clothes. Realized that it's been quite some time since I last bought clothes for work that I hardly remember when that last time was. Imagine? hehe! Every morning, opening my closet, gives me my first problem for the day. What to wear -- 'cause am really sick and tired of seeing the same old stuff. Argghh!! And I hate shopping in the malls 'cause it's tiring to walk quite some distances between shops and not really knowing what am looking for. *Sigh* If only I can afford to hire someone else to do the shopping for me. As if!! haha! Never thought that clothes shopping can be such a chore until now. I don't quite look forward to it. I guess that's why I've procastinated for so long already. Maybe if I do that overseas, I can feel enthusiastic. Hmmm!!


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