12 September 2005

What I Wouldn't Miss

1. inane Sunday noontime variety show/s on TV with people who do nothing but sing, dance, sing and dance some more.
-- You derive no value from it and it almost feels like your brain is being fried or turned to mush. There aren't even any games on this show. No challenge at all. Same goes with showbiz talk shows with guests whom you never knew existed before as actors. hehehe. Is there still Philippine cinema at all? I think it's dead. Eat Bulaga is waayyy more entertaining than these, with the wit of Joey de Leon and his gang around.

2. small-minded people who like poking into other people's business in the guise of concern but then promptly get eaten up with the green-eyed monster of envy or jealousy should they find that all good things happen to you that they start behaving consistently like crap to you or the unlucky person each time and doing more than one of the following: hide information from you that you were supposed to know, their evident smug satisfaction each time they feel like they gave you the one-up, talk about other people's secrets to you even if those secrets belong to their close friend, and tell you to keep them secret as well (geez), manipulate communication or conversation such that other people or you get the burden of responsibility for blame, and not them, when in fact it was their idea, etc.

And the whole time you weren't even aware that that's how they're actual characters are while you were just being yourself, minding your own business. Believe me, I've met one or two embodiments of this sort of person and it's not a pleasant experience undergoing this dawning realization that that's what they turn out to be. No wonder they end up flocking together. haha! Someone you thought was a friend is actually the devil in disguise. hehehe! A tip on weeding out such a person, they're the ones who like complaining, or showing concern and invading others' privacy or make remarks that don't exactly sound like complaints but are dropped to bait others into getting the ball rolling about such complaints and them ending up not carrying the burden of responsibility for the remark made. They like covering their _ _ _es and let others unfairly take the downfall. Actually, they're like cowards. And I think they really have some serious insecurities going on inside themselves for them to do such things just so they can feel better about themselves. I pity them. These people, I certainly never met from school or university. And I feel sorry for people who get fooled by such persons and think they are good friends with them. All I can say is, watch out. Tener amigos como estos, quien necesita a enemigos, no?

3. Philippine journalism that appear to pander too much to has-beens who still believe that they have things to say that are of national importance. Puh-lease. I find the daily news full of the same petty political stuff with the same characters it puts me in a bad mood. It's the same old story all the time. Nothing's changed. These news shows have no other subject to talk about to get the ratings and advertising revenues they want so they quote and interview some politicians and ex-politicians who are so full of themselves. That's why nothing happens with this country.


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