09 May 2003

May Day

It's has been quite some time since I last posted. It think it's going to stay that way at the moment. I must confess that I overhaul this site only when I'm in between jobs (read unemployed and have lots of time to pursue hobbies which are otherwise forgotten when working ;) ).

I'm still catching up on reading my week-late issues of Time only on my way to work each morning.

I find that I'm addicted to the TV series Felicity and know that I'll be missing that once the schoolyear begins in June as I have my class on Thursday evenings. Aaaccckkk!! I might satisfy this lack with my current near-frantic impatience to get the DVD of the first season of the series! Can't wait for this weekend: will be looking for that. If it's not available, thanks to the internet, I'll have to buy it online. ;)

Obviously, am not busy at work at the moment. The cats are away... hehehe! :D

09 February 2003

Valentine's Day

*Sigh* The past 2 weeks have been full of surprises lately. Unpleasant? Depends. Okay forget that. They are. I don't think I have ever felt as old as I have felt during the past few days. Not everything has been going well: not in the home front, and slightly not at the academic nor professional fronts either. Arrgghhh!! One consolation is that the professional front is the least awful of all, just a minor irritation. Plus the fact that we are moving to a bigger and better office building soon, at a floor where you have a really beautiful and commanding view of the Bay. I truly look forward to that.

I think the only respite that I got from my troubles were the two nights, or more precisely, the hours on those two nights when I saw films with friends. Other than that, it's been quite a stressful, disappointing, depressing, and sad time for me for reasons I won't go into details here. Suffice it to say that it seems that I just aged too much at this early stage for me. So many unhappy and unjust things are going on at almost the same time to me. I feel a bit bombarded. I've never encountered this before. I hope things will turn out better as soon as possible. I feel unsettled, troubled and burdened. I might grow white hair soon!! And lots of wrinkles too!! haha! Am glad I have friends around who can listen to me. Soon, I'd need them more than I ever had before. I feel like going out of town and somehow leave all these stress behind me for even a short time. Help myself clear my mind. Make myself free of the heaviness in thought and in heart for even a short while and come out ready to face these challenges to my spirit again once I get back. I think that would do it. We'll see.

01 January 2003

New Year, New Beginnings

Here I am, and I can't sleep. It's a new year. Welcome 2003! Drinking wine here and writing this new entry to put myself to sleep. hehehe! But I don't know, I might pop in some DVD to watch later after I write this. It seems I don't feel like going to sleep. I suppose I'm trying to make the most out of what's remained of the Christmas and new year holidays before I go back to work on the 2nd of Jan. Just 1 day away! Ack!!!

Interesting note: It's now strangely quiet around the house. Normally, the new year's revelry with all those firecrackers or "explosives" if I may say so would still be "playing" outside. The sounds were rather deafening here not more than an hour ago. And that sort of atmosphere usually lasts 'til 2:00 a.m. every year. Until now. It seems the bad economy and aftereffects of 9/11 have taken their toll.

But since it's the new year, I have some new year's resolutions in mind. This year shall be a rather busy one for me I'm afraid. I will start juggling work and masteral studies and keeping myself physically and mentally able to undertake not just both but other priorities as well. Gawd, I'm beginning to feel tired just thinking about such things. haha! :P

In keeping with work, study and other priorities, I have the ff:

Resolution Number 1: take vitamin supplements daily
-very important, as such may help keep me saner and more able.

Resolution Number 2: stop unnecessary dining out/hanging out (read "shopping/eating, drinking and being merry and the like") with friends, full stop.
--Buddies, I have nothing against you. It just means that a hectic schedule packed between work and classes (for a foreign language and for my pursuit of a postgraduate degree) has probably shot down my social life. Whereas I can go out on weeknights before, now, am afraid I have to keep my socializing and hanging out only on weekends with Sundays reserved for myself. Otherwise, I think I might go crazy!! We'll see! They say women are more apt at doing multitasking. Well, that may be true but it certainly has its limits. hehe!

For longer-term goals:

Resolution Number 3: Save save save. 'Nuff said.

Resolution Number 4: In keeping with No. 3, stop unnecessary shopping
--and reward myself with a trip overseas later in the year and probably make up for it. Har har!! :D

Hmmmm... I have so far just the above resolutions. The rest aren't fit for public consumption. :P So Happy New Year! Bon annee tout le monde! Cheers! Time for that DVD...


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