12 March 2011

My New Toy at Crazy Amazon.com

This is the camera when I first chanced upon the white version of it (finally) at past midnight Manila time on amazon.com about two weeks ago.  Only 1-3 amazon.com merchants (not amazon.com itself) selling  it with one item of it each in stock.

This was the cost of the same camera and model about two days later.  USD 833.50.

This has been the current price posted since about 3 days ago.  USD 1009.98.

Crazy.  I'm glad to see no one has yet bought it at the current price.  You can guess which one I got,  after looking around for this white version of it everywhere online.  hehe!  Bought it as soon as I caught it on amazon.com after days of amazon.com not even selling this white version and not seeing it available elsewhere online for purchase.  And my primary reason for choosing white was because it would be easier to find when I rummage for it in my bag.  Lol!   I really prefer the white one but I also don't mind if I end up with a black one.

See I was looking to buy a point and shoot camera with manual features like with DSLRs... handy 

  • when attending social/cultural events; or 
  • when out doing street photography and perhaps 
  • looking less conspicuous with a smaller camera while doing street photography/"photojournalism" and 
  • maybe make it less intimidating to people subjects.  

I like taking candid pics and I thought having a smaller cam for such purposes will make me more productive on those scores, instead of relying on my cellphone or DSLR for those moments when

  • it's just easier all around to whip out a camera to take those fleeting scenes but also
  • wanting one with better features than your usual point and shoot.  

I have a DSLR but I'm not the sort who's willing to lug around one everyday (except when travelling or overseas), even though it's supposed to be among the lightest ones in the market.  So a point and shoot with manual features like I used to have before I got a DSLR camera would also be a good backup/companion to my DSLR cam when on the road and 

  • taking my pick between faster to "point and shoot" or when battery runs out.  
  • at least hopefully, I can still get better photos without having to use flash (I'm not fond of flash...hehe!)
  • not have to change lenses much

Anyway, for these host of reasons and because of an impending plan, I thought it's finally time to buy such a point and shoot, and thought of getting a Canon Powershot S95, from its Powershot series (and a latest descendant of my old 2002 Powershot camera bought in Hong Kong.  See, even then I refused to buy one here 'cause of the ridiculous markup... Lol!  My DSLR camera was also bought online).  

The Powershot series is the Canon point and shoot series that has manual features but is less bulky than other point and shoots with manual features such as the Canon G-series (I don't like that one.  Might as well buy a DSLR or micro four thirds camera if one's gonna get a bulky camera with manual features, at least you can change lenses anytime if you're willing.  Bulky G series look ugly to me, too, sorry...).  The problem with the Powershot though is its short battery life.

I went to check how much the S95 costs here vs online and found buying one here for the cost it's sold unreasonable given how less expensive it is to buy it from amazon.com.  About a 10,000-peso difference.  Gaah!  And that's usually the rule/markup for most cameras sold in this country.  So I went back online to check it out once again so as to buy it.  Only to come across a new similar product from Olympus called XZ-1.  

Olympus' XZ-1 camera just about answered almost all the point and shoot requirements that were in my mind every time I'm forced to bring my DSLR to normal events (weddings, parties, get-togethers, etc...), or wished its kit lenses can do apertures/f2.8 or lower.  This lack of larger aperture really frustrated me many times while trying to take some shots but I'm not willing to buy a new lens at all (which is like buying a new camera) just for that one.. Lol.

This camera has the best reviews so far over its competitors.  Digital Photography Review (dpreview.com) gave it a Gold Award review.  And just like my Olympus DSLR that was the first DSLR with live view, in-body image stabilization, smaller dimensions, etc, this model is also a pioneering one because it's the only one of its kind with f1.8.  A feature you can only get with DSLR lens.  Gaah.  (Hence too its 100-USD cost more than its next competitor).  It also has video and bluetooth capability.  Except the video isn't that exceptional according to some reviews mainly because of a focusing problem with moving objects.  I can't post any sample pics at the moment too 'cause the camera's not delivered here but to a US address and so I don't have it in my hands yet.  hehe!

I'll still keep and use my 3-year-old Olympus E-510 DSLR.  This point and shoot is still that, a point and shoot.  And I expect that one would still get better image output/processing from a DSLR.  Having a point and shoot with such features mentioned above just makes it more convenient for me for street photography and social engagements.  Hehe!  Just like dpreview.com says, a "pocketable backup for DSLR owners".  So, 'til the next better camera!  Lol.


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