23 April 2011

Music - Sublime Sigur Rós

My favorite band. And I think the world's best, too, at the moment. hehe! Most of their songs never fail to make me feel emotional -- happy or sad or a combination -- or inspired, and except for one song they don't even have English lyrics. Gah!

My favorite album of theirs: Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. Don't worry, I couldn't read it either. Lol! It means "With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlessly".

I especially like the following tracks:
  • Við spilum endalaust 
  • Starálfur
  • Hoppipolla - performed in the video above
  • Festival - happy inspiring music; used in the Danny Boyle film 127 Hours
  • Ára bátur - the song that made me a fan.. lol.  My utter fave... and amazed to learn that according to the band's website, it's "the largest musical undertaking in the band's career, as it was recorded live in one take with the london sinfonietta and london oratory boys' choir, a total of 90 people playing at the same time"
  • Með Suð Í Eyrum
  • Fljótavik - really atmospheric
  • Góðan Daginn 
  • Untitled #8 (Popplagið)
  • Inní Mér Syngur Vitleysingur - another happy song
  • Illgresi - the most meaningful for me... hehe!

 And below is the same song as used by a trailer for the BBC's Planet Earth series.

*sigh* Thank you BBC. Lol! Makes one want to go run and buy a DVD/blu-ray of this BBC series. hehe! If there's one best reason to get blu-ray, it would be this production. Anyway, needless to say, I've copies of the above videos in my iPod, too. Hehe!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think I will be joining you in the queue for the Planet Earth discs, and for those of the Human Planet series that have just come out.



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