19 December 2013

My Pet in the Snow

Brought out my pet when it snowed for a few days.  I put her on a leash/harness as she's an indoor pet.

03 September 2013

Books & TV

Good stuff I watched recently on TV:

- Australia with Simon Reeve (BBC)
- Indian Ocean with Simon Reeve (BBC)
- World's Most Dangerous Roads (BBC)
- Broadchurch (tv series)

- The Bridge (tv series)
- Lonely Planet Road Less Travelled - Kazakhstan/Turkmenistan episode

Just finished reading some books:
- Caravaggio: A Life Sacred and Profane by Andrew Graham Dixon --> good read, a biography of the artist/painter Caravaggio

- The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova --> wouldn't recommend

The Hundred Foot Journey by Robert Morais - like

And now reading Van Gogh The Life by Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith, a biography of the artist Vincent Van Gogh.

Reality Bites

And I don't mean the movie.  It's like that Marvin Gaye song "What's Going On?"

When we were younger:
- we didn't know about BPA, and people I know, including me, grew up ok
- we didn't know about non-pure whatever it's called milk and we turned out ok
- we didn't know about gluten-free stuff and we still turned out ok


And also, when we were younger:
- we didn't have rains that would devastatingly flood a whole area in one day that never got flooded in such short amount of time as it does in these past few years
- (post-Holocaust) we haven't heard of normal governments gassing their own citizens (children, men and women alike) like it's par for the course and another country behaving as if it never happened.

Sometimes it feels kinda strange living in a place so far removed from the tons of misery going on elsewhere (genocide, child slavery, unending cycle of poverty, etc).  It just all the more makes it all a bit more starkly real even if it's not in your face.  Makes one think that hell then begins to seem like not an idea but is actually already here all along, you don't need religion to know it exists.

In the meantime the financial markets await the changes ahead with the US Federal Reserve, Ben Affleck is going to be the next Batman (huh?), you have people named Kardashian and Cyrus not really contributing anything of substance never mind artistic value despite however much they earn/are paid, and Samsung and Apple continue to fight it out with Microsoft playing catchup, etc.

The world is not what it was or I just watch/read too much news/current events.  hehe!  Just sayin'.

Lord of War

Just finished watching Lord of War starring Nicholas Cage.  I thought it'd be an action-packed film but turns out it was even better than I had expected.

I never knew of this film 'til I saw it this past week or so on the TV guide list (Bravo channel) on my HD TV service and decided to have it recorded by the PVR.

Anyway the opening sequence alone was pretty nicely done.  I also liked the montage at the end.  Both are stunning.  I find this film is a deceptively intelligent and creative delivery of a simple but relevant story and this is what makes this film rather brilliant.  It's quite a satire.  And the fact that Nicholas Cage's character Yuri was in his business suit the whole time even when in the desert dealing arms is quite an effective tool to emphasize just what he is relative to the whole story.  It's kinda genius.  hehe.

Kudos to the writer/director Andrew Niccol.  And it's only after I watched Lord of War that I learned that it's the same director behind one of my favorite movies -- Gattaca.  Geez.  lol.

I love the soundtrack/score too. Gosh. Especially the choice of song for the end/credits -- Warlord by Antonio Pinto.   See/hear youtube link below.  I like the sound especially by 1:28 and how it was used in the end credits.  *shakes head*

28 July 2013


I just finished watching two seasons of HBO's Carnivále.  My gosh.  I'm glad I finally got around to it.  Thank goodness for torrents.  Lol!

Years ago when it was playing on HBO back home, a friend mentioned the show and really encouraged me to watch it. But I never got to watch any episode because I always end up catching it when it was playing right in the middle of an episode already, while I was browsing through channels.

Anyway, years later (this year in fact), I still remember that recommendation and decided to try it.  Well what do you know, it's now my favorite show.  Better than Rome, Game of Thrones, Lost, etc., if not the best.  I can't believe it.  If this show was broadcast at the time of Twitter and FB, etc., I think it may have had enjoyed more popularity.  But then again maybe not.  Many good shows today get the ax and the not so good ones remain.

And the actors were all good - especially Nick Stahl, Michael J. Anderson, and Amy Madigan.  Wow.  It feels kinda bad that Nick Stahl doesn't seem to be too active these days.  It's a pity.  (I also liked Terminator 3 where Nick Stahl was in, vs the second one).

The set and production design alone for Carnivále was worth buying the DVD sets for the two seasons for which the show ran.  It's like I just collected something historical, almost factual, but in very good art form.  My goodness.  I'm just so amazed by it.  HBO's Rome's set design/production effort paled next to this one.  Gosh.  *shakes head*  I liked Rome, Game of Thrones, Lost etc but none of them made me buy their DVDs.  I may have thought it but I never did/decided not to.  But for this show, I did.  Especially when it's probably getting harder to find original DVDs for it as time goes on.  It's a great show.  I wish it went on for more than 2 seasons but it's all right too that it stopped where it did.  Great ending. 

22 July 2013

These Made My Day

I saw some robin's eggs one weekend two weeks ago at a friend's place in the country.  I never thought I'd see any, let alone 4 in a nest too, but I have.  Seeing them certainly made my day.

the robin's nest in an overturned canoe stored in the garage,
image that's closer to how it looked (without flash)

 w/ flash

there they are

19 July 2013

Colombia and the Philippines...No Reservations

I'm just now watching Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations as I get ready to leave later for some little neighborhood shopping (it's soooo sunny hot outside...).  The episode is set in Colombia.  Amazing how many things are similar between Colombia and the Philippines.  It's crazy!

Even the streetside restaurant where Anthony is having his lunch with a local coulde be a streetside restaurant in Manila, in a semi-residential street in Manila's Malate district.  It looked like that part of Manila except the people look different.  Lol!

Then they have these colorful little buses for public transport that's pretty much like Manila's jeepneys except they're buses!  Complete with the barker or guy that shouts the routes out for commuters looking to get on the right bus, the markings of the routes on the buses' windshields, etc.

And then of course, the food.  They went to a local market where there were many different sorts of tropical fruits.  One of which was a caimito that Anthony tried.  Caimitos are also available in the Philippines.  One wonders if the Philippines got those from South America originally or vice versa during the heydays of the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade... a version of globalization for that time.  Amazing!

Another food they have which the Philippines has too is the chicharron, and the chunchullo (Colombian term).  The Philippines also has chicharron, and chunchullo would be the Philippines' chicharon bulaklak.  The latter are fritterlings of pork intestines.  They are yummy but more of a guilty pleasure sort of food, mainly consumed as a snack.   I wonder if Anthony knew just how much bad cholesterol he was chowing on when he had those.  Lol!  I remember some of my older family/relatives trying to shy away from consuming chicharon bulaklak because it's really unhealthy... a pig's internal organs deep fried to lip smacking crackling goodness! Lol!  :D  And dipped in vinegar in the Philippines as you eat them like chips.  

Colombia has empanada as well.  I love empanada!  Gah!  It's kinda obvious we probably got these pork recipes from the Spanish or perhaps once again, because of the galleon trade and the exchange of cultures and goods between Latin America and the Philippines that surely transpired along with it.

The people might look somewhat different but it's amazing how many things are similar between the Philippines and another place thousands of miles away.

04 June 2013

The Rainbow Fish

I just got a new pet.  And it's kind of a spur of the moment purchase.  Lol.  A friend and I were out shopping and dropped by a pet store because my friend wants to have fish as pets.  I ended up going home with one for myself.

Meet Harry, my new pet fish.

 just splendid!

That's him in these pics, a male half moon betta splendens fish.  Because he was an unplanned purchase that day, I ended up having to buy a small aquarium for him right away too.  The little tank would be temporary.  If he lasts two months, I'll get him a better-sized tank with heater, a filter, and possibly some new companions like neon tetras.

He was just so cute when I saw him because he wasn't a dark blue nor a red-colored fish.  He's like a turquoise, teal, or indigo fish.  Sometimes blue.  Or whatever color the light reflects on him.  Actually, his color's like the rainbow's.  Lol!  So cool.  So don't forget to click on the pics to see them in lightbox format and larger too.

 Harry in turquoise

Harry in other colors

the rainbow fish

So now he's just in his little tank.  I'm planning on changing the stones in his tank.  I got a couple of turquoise and frosted white glass stones meant for vases.  I've now put him in the kitchen and away from sunlight.  He goes crazy with sunlight reflecting himself on his tank walls.  Like any betta fish, he flares his fins and becomes quite territorial seeing another like-sized fish in his domain, even if it's just a reflection of himself.  lol.  Decided not to stress out the poor thing the whole day so now he's in the kitchen where I go when I get up, getting ready for work and when I come home from work.

Harry in his little tank

05 April 2013


On break from work for two weeks.  Spent part of the time travelling, including cross-country skiing.  I loved it.  Lol.

 my skis

scenery along the trail

23 January 2013

Lazy Day Off - Outtakes

Some pics of other things going on while working on my DIY outdoor pallet bench.

an antique chairback more than 100 years old from which 
used to be my friend's grand-uncle's chair

 stripping paint off the chair reveals better the 
cool design on this wood

 foggy day!

Timmy's..  after buying some other materials for the bench

the housepets

 a sweet 'ol German Shepherd dog

Lazy Day Off - Kinda

Spent part of a chilly day off putting on the finishing touches to a DIY outdoor bench made of pallets that a friend built for me.

I've been wanting patio furniture for my balcony for the warm months but find patio furniture being sold here quite generic-looking or bulky or just not with the design I have in mind (especially a low-seater design), and if otherwise, quite expensive for sure.  You wouldn't believe how expensive they sell such things here.  And to think I took the outdoor bamboo furniture I got back home for granted when it's quite inexpensive compared with the prices of such things here.  They'd be surprised if they knew.  That'd fetch quite some amount here for sure.  'Cause it's pretty good and sturdy bamboo furniture.   *shakes head*  I certainly haven't seen bamboo furniture here of the likes made back in the Philippines.  And one of the chairs has become my pet dog's chair even. lol. 

I just wanted an outdoor seating solution where I can cozy up/put my feet up on the seat as well, with my laptop, or a book maybe, outdoors at a corner of the balcony. Since a side of my balcony faces a park and the front is open sky, not another building or structure, it'd be nice to hang out there in the evenings especially.

I thought I found the right bench at the right price while browsing through the Internet. But, while browsing the Internet, I also saw some DIY pallet benches I liked. Actually, I preferred. However, no one sees pallet benches sold quite commercially. Not very common. If it were, it'd be probably by a really expensive furniture/design store I expect. And it'd be probably cost at least slightly more than an Apple iPad mini or iPhone, that's if you're lucky enough to find one. So I thought I'd settle for the commercial one online. But made of plastic. =(

Anyway I showed it to a friend and he suggested a bench made of pallets. Well, what do you know! He and I are on the same wavelength. Lol. Didn't think I'd know someone else here, especially a guy, who's into design/art, too. Also, it turns out the commercial one's length is longer than the side corner of my balcony where I plan on placing the bench anyway so ultimately I can't buy that bench for that side of my balcony.

What's even better was, my friend works for a company that gets delivered goods on pallets. A-ha! So long story short, I gave him my specifics in terms of dimension and how low I wanted the bench and voila, got my bench now.

readying to spray outdoor/exterior wood stain on the bench

01 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Just got back from a new year's eve party. Foggy roads on the way home, and up to now outside my window. Wow. I like foggy nights. It just brings a different sort of mood. There's no snow tonight too. Just freezing temperature.

So foggy that my camera had difficulty focusing right away.
I like the effect though.


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