16 March 2014

My 2014 Olympus EM10 Camera Purchase

I'm now updating my camera and purchasing a micro four thirds system SLR instead of a full frame DSLR.  Mainly due to size and cost concerns and also finding sophisticated point and shoots limited still for the image quality I want.  The smaller it is, the easier it is to bring with me, and thus the more photo opps I can get.

I've opted for the Olympus OMD EM10 for value for money, over a predecessor -- the Olympus OMD EM-5:

screenshot of the OMD EM10 from the Olympus website

  • I believe I really don't have much need for the weather sealed feature of the EM-5 and the most expensive Olympus OMD EM1
  • nor the 5-axis stabilization of the EM-5 and EM-1.  3-axis is a good compromise with the EM10.
  • EM10 has features of the premium EM1 that the EM-5 doesn't.  Wi-fi among them.  Wi-fi must be standard in technology offerings where it can be used and EM-5 didn't have that on its release in 2012.  Which is why I held off purchasing the EM-5 when it first came out.  Seemed half-baked to get the EM-5 at a time when competitor cameras were being released with wi-fi but didn't seem as good as the EM-5.  I waited instead.
  • EM10 has a built in pop up flash.  I don't like shooting with flash but small though it is on the EM10, convenience matters a lot to me for times when you need flash as a fill in mechanism.  I don't wanna rummage around for one to attach onto the camera nor keep it on the camera always for portability as it adds to the bulkiness since it's not a pop up flash.  This is the case for the EM-5, no built in flash, just one you can attach.  So another reason for me for waiting instead and not buying the EM-5.

Because of the lack of weather sealing and a 3-axis instead of the 5-axis stabilization on the EM10, the EM10 then costs less than the EM5.  Plus the built in flash on the EM10 is sweet too.

Olympus also has an ongoing lens promo at its website.  This includes its new M.Zuiko 25mm f1.8 prime lens for micro four thirds system cameras.  This lens has been earning great reviews and been one users have been waiting for, including me.  If the f1.8 on my handy Olympus point and shoot XZ-1 is any indication, I'd be only too happy with this lens on my EM10 as well.

So with the cost savings on the EM10 (body only) and the current Olympus lens promo for any OMD purchase, I'm able to get two lenses for my order:
  • the new prime M.Zuiko 25mm f1.8 lens, and 
  • Olympus's new pancake zoom lens the M.Zuiko ED 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 EZ
 screenshots from the Olympus site, of the two lenses I'm picking up, plus the promo prices

I chose to get the EM10 camera body only because I prefer the pancake zoom lens size over the kit lens size.  The kit lens is bigger than both of the lenses above.  And size was one reason why I found bringing along my DSLR and lens such a drag.  Lesson learned.

Buying into this system would be an investment.  It'd probably be years before I even think of updating again.  My cameras are an Olympus E-510 DSLR from 2007, and a good f1.8 point and shoot -- the Olympus XZ-1 -- from 2011.

So finally after months of waiting, I hope to get my order of the silver EM10 and the two lenses by April.  Can't wait to try out my new toy then.  hehe!


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