16 June 2005

Nu nu ni nu, ni nu ni nu ni nu... *whistling* ;P

1. who's picture you keep on your wallet?
>> My ID pics, you never know when you're gonna need them.

2. what time do you go to bed?
>> normalmente, despué
s de media noche

3. what was the last thing you did before you filled this up?
>> leo
mis emails

4. who's the one you always meet the most?
>> mis compa
ñeros de trabajo, mis padres

5. who's the person you're gonna call if you need help?
>> Los Ghostbusters...? haha.. ;P Mi familia.

6. what's on your mind just now?
>> Yo quiero mi caf
é aqui.

7. who's number on your speed dials?
>> ninguno

8. with whom do you wanna be to have fun?
>> mi familia y mis amigos.. por supuesto. ;)

9. what's your latest movie?
>> con Brad and Angelina.. no esta mi pelicula exactamente, pero una pelicula que vi. Mwehehe!

10. where did you last go out?
>> Fui al gran almacenes en Makati.

11. what do you hate the most for now?
>> the fact that my notebook PC needs formatting, badly!!

12. when was the first time you sleep alone?
>> huh? Yo olvido...

13. what do you wanna do for now?
>> post this to this blog

14. what do you do everyday besides eat and
>> leo mis emails

15. things that could piss you off?
>> tardiness

16. fave pet?
>> perros

17. what colors that make you happy?
>> shades of green and violet

18. most fave thing in your room?
>> mi TV

19. what was the last thing you bought for your room?
>> mattress para mi cama

20. any instruments in your room?
>> Nada

21.do you cook?
>> Normalmente, solamente cuando tengo que.

22. miss someone?
>> Pues.. no.

23. plan to buy something?
>> Si.. muchos.

24. are you satisfied with your life now?
>> Cierto... aunque todavia tengo algunas metas a lograr.


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