30 September 2006

This is What Extreme Boredom Can Do

Storm made a virtual disaster out of Manila for some days now since the 28th, a Thursday. No power at home 'til this morning (Saturday). Nada. Zip. Ergo, nothing much else to do.

But what did I do that first night of the storm with no power? Took some pics of the lighted candle on the dining table of course. :P

normal shot in macro

used negative effect setting on my Sony
Ericsson mobile phone camera for this one. Nice!

So there was no work last 28th 'cause of the storm. But had to do some reviews in the afternoon, for work, while there was still light. Saw and heard the wind and rains lashing outside my house... out on the street... whipping the trees bad on the lot beside my neighbor's...

Next day Friday, got back to the office. And saw the aftermath of the storm on the way to work. Lots of felled and uprooted trees being cleared from the roads; some big ones too at the central business district.

And learned from my Swedish colleague that he saw the roof of the parking lot across our office building hit the glass walls of our building's lobby as he went down there to get a cab going back to his hotel.
Freaky. hehe! And my teammate who was supposed to fly out to Europe last Thursday evening had her flight postponed to Friday.

Then, since the Swedish colleague is going back home to Shanghai today Saturday, we went out to lunch. But lunch was a rather awful experience 'cause the restaurants we preferred were closed, and the ones that were opened, had no AC, and only had pasta available from their menu. Bummer! So in the evening, we dined at a Japanese restaurant at Greenbelt. Streets were quite dark going there. Heavy traffic too. But, we were glad that Greenbelt had AC. And we finished the stormy weekend with great dinner and drinks and pics too (which I can't post here for privacy reasons... sorry! :P). Seems no storm can stop us from getting a bit of a good thing out of it.

It was really dark on the ride home. Practically no lights on the streets and major thoroughfares except for those from the headlights of motor vehicles. And it was raining a little too. Good that there were no floods though. Now that would be hell. Hehe!


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