28 September 2014

Les iPhones 6 et 6 Plus

I was just at the Apple store twice last week, trying out the two new iPhones.  I've been waiting for Apple to come out with a phablet as I ride out my phone's term contract with the service provider.  The contract expired this month. 

screenshot from the Apple website

I haven't got the iPhone yet let's be clear.  I'm not the sort to buy the first things that come out.  I wait and see reviews first.  I just went to the store to try both out and see which color I like best in person before I decide if I should get one.  My impressions:
  • The first time I held each they felt really slippery.  That's the biggest thing that struck me quite not so favourably.  So slippery I had to grip each while trying it out.
  • Because of the slippery metal back:  They look nice but the design is such that you have to buy a case if you don't want to end up with a broken iPhone much sooner (now what sort of design is that, Mr. Jony Ive? Lol).  If you don't appreciate just how fragile these things can get, please see this video of someone who did some drop tests on each model.  Eye opener there.
  • Better graphics than my oldie (almost Jurassic) Google Android phone.  I loved the iPhone's UI. wah.
  • Can only use the 6 Plus with both hands.  I don't think it's designed so you can use it with one hand only.  I tried but I had to tilt it some (and risk it slipping out of my hand) to be able to use it one-handed.
  • I think the nicest color for me is the silver one.  I found it really looked clean.  Almost minimalist Japanese design which I also love (except it sacrificed with a slippery design you need a case for, gosh.).  Then the darker black or gray one next.
  • I liked the resolution on the 6 Plus more.  I tested via a streaming youtube video of a late night talk show.
  • I liked that it's really like a little tablet the 6 Plus.  Smaller than the iPad Mini.  Like another article mentioned, it should have been called iPad Nano.  Lol!  Its display orientation changes to landscape.  I didn't see a disable option on that aspect of it though when I checked the Screen/Display settings to do so.

Anyway, my reasons for having an iPhone as my next phone?

  • Privacy -- Samsung is great but I'm afraid I haven't had a great experience with my Android phone, mainly due to my disagreement with Google privacy issues.  Like they say, with Google, you're the product.  My phone's a Google phone I got 'cause at the time I had no choice but to get the best iPhone rival while iPhone was coming out with a new model.  I was on time constraint and needed a new phone soon or will miss some income opportunities.  I didn't want to get an iPhone that's being replaced with a new one in the next one or two months so I settled for the best Android phone available at the time (before the Samsung phablets).
  • Size -- I travel more than once each year and take public transit lots too.  I didn't want to carry too many devices on me and inconvenience myself even more.  I thought it'd be great if they can make a mini tablet that's also designed to be a phone or vice versa.  Kudos to Samsung there.  I am also sort of minimalist when it comes to owning devices.  Why carry or own many if you can have less in one package that sort of thing.  So this meant iPad Mini's out.  Good thing I didn't buy one.  I hoped/waited for Apple to come out with an iPhone version of Samsung's big phablet.
  • Compatibility -- My computer at home is by Apple.  Been a Mac user since 2005.  It doesn't recognize my Android phone. I couldn't back up files or contacts to my computer.  I transfer photos or music via bluetooth.  But can't do anything to back up contact info.  What a mess eh?  I want to be in control of my media or contacts info and not really fond of backing them up in the air, or "the Cloud" or to my Google account.  It has enough info on me.  Enough already.  gawd.  Heaven help us if one day all internet connectivity just stopped and we couldn't access our data in the 'net'/cloud.
  • The UI -- Enough said.  With Apple products, it's not so much the hardware only that you pay for, but the experience.  It's like driving a car.  I expect you get better experience driving a luxury vehicle vs the usual ones, as well as get better service options.  So if you have the means and don't mind it, especially if you know you're gonna use it often anyway, why not?  It pays.  Same reason I switched to Mac long ago.  Just more cost-effective in the end.  Less time troubleshooting, more time actually using what it's meant for.

screenshot of photo from hngn.com

On an aside, I was kinda sorry to see the long lines for these iPhones in the news in many cities (not all for sure).  Amazing what our society has come to sometimes.  It's just a phone (or tablet while we're at it)!  Not the end of the world.  Especially one where it seems to have been more miserable lately elsewhere (ebola, ISIL, effects of global warming).  Honestly.  Lol.

I wonder that with the huge pile of cash on hand that Apple has, even bigger than many countries', does it do philanthropic works?  You might be the best or most valued company out there but, with the extreme power it has in its hands, has it helped empower the really disenfranchised people elsewhere.  You might have revolutionized the world but not necessarily all sectors of it that would benefit most.  Sometimes I think in the end, it's good to be Bill Gates.  You can't take your iPhone with you when you die.

But enough of this.   So did I decide to get either of these iPhone 6s?  What do you think. :P


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