08 March 2017

A List of Stuff I'm Planning to Blog About...

... but not sure if I'll find time to make room for all of them.  Lol!  Why not one might ask? Well I've the following reasons.. or excuses.. Lol!
  • I hate having to use Instagram each time and make it easier to post online.  I think I'm still the traditional photo blogger in that I want original copies of the images I shot then decide which media they get published on eventually, if they ever do.
  • Because of the above, I still use either my smartphone, or my real camera to get shots.  Which means I'd still have to select, then transfer them to my computer so I can blog about it here.  That takes time and effort.  And I find I haven't really much time nor energy for that anymore I find.  I find I enjoy doing other things more.
  • I'm not a Facebook junkie. And don't really enjoy having things published in several different places online.  I don't have time nor patience for that I'm afraid.  That just makes my supposedly leisure time blogging become a chore.
  • I thought I'd make blogging easier by having bought the iPhone 6 Plus tablet when it first came out but promptly lost it about a month after buying it.  There goes that plan.  I didn't turn on the Find My iPhone option too 'cause I kind of value my privacy or at least am trying to be as smart about it as possible.   That phone was just too big I can't easily stuff it in my pockets and so it wound up getting misplaced/or forgotten about taking it with me (after laying it down somewhere since I can't easily stuff it in my bag or pockets) more than once while I had it, until finally I totally lost the thing.  *sigh*  Oh well.
So given the above, I was hoping to blog about the following or at least publish them elsewhere online like in Facebook.. But not sure if I ever will get to do so.  Here goes the list:

  1. My travels in the past few years and recently.
  2. some pics of being out and about.. especially in my one other favorite season.. the fall
  3. some of my other shots on which I've some comments or opinions.
  4. My new hobby and every development that happens on this hobby.  Lol!
  5. Other culture, technology, design reviews and opinions.
Looks like I'll have to find another way to make it easier to publish stuff soon after I create them or think of blogging about it.  Maybe my small phone doesn't help, but I'm liking how small it is now even.. It's an iPhone 5S, care of my office too. Lol!

Perhaps should get an iPod Touch instead (since I already have the phone), but have to check just how big it is first..  I am thinking that bigger might make it easiser for me to use it for blogging while on the go.  But it looks like it's the same size as my small smartphone.. Gawd.  And since I'm not really much of an app user on my small iPhone 5S, I wonder if getting a larger one would make actually make me blog more frequently.  I find I just tweet links of stuff I find interesting online as that's easier than to type a whole blog post.  *Sigh*.  Tumblr helps though.  I like how the images/photos appear on there.  Hehe!

Will see...


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