25 August 2005

New Mobile Phone Unit Sony Ericsson W800i Walkman Phone

Finally bought a new phone to replace my Sony Ericsson Z600 two nights ago.
For once, I left the office to go home just when the mall stores are still open. And happened to finally find the best deal to purchase this phone. Wasn't meaning to buy one that day but because it was too good a deal to pass up and I believe this phone has the best features around while I also need an upgrade 'cause my Z600 is sorely lacking in capacity, I ended up buying it.

It's the sort that is ideal for long-haul flights 'cause the unit gives you a choice to use the walkman only function or the phone function (with walkman) when you turn it on. So if you use the walkman only function, you don't interfere with flight regulations regarding the use of mobile phones onboard flights. And you can store lots of mp3 files in it 'cause it has a 512mb memory stick duo apart from the internal 64mb memory capacity. Upgradeable up to a 2gb memory stick duo. No more iPods. Heehee! Uses USB to transfer files between PC and phone. It also has FM Radio. And you don't always need the headset to listen to them. The phone plays like an actual radio using its speakers. Cool.

And then, I love the camera features 'cause among other things it has B&W, (photo above from mobilemag.com)

sepia, film negative, and solarize effects. It's 2 megapixel and it's handy for those times when I can't use/bring my Canon Powershot (a more serious, but bulkier digital camera which I can't always bring with me everyday wherever I go).

You can still listen to it play even as you navigate your phone functions. My only gripe is its rather stiff keypads. In everything else, am glad I bought this. No need for a cumbersome separate Mp3 player unit and a separate camera anymore.


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