15 June 2010

Venezia, Italia - The Surreal Train Ride

After a Eurostar Trenitalia train ride from Florence, the scene above was what greeted me as I stepped out of the railway station in Venice.

Railway stations are of course similar wherever I went in Europe.  But on this Venice trip, I was really unprepared and quite stunned to behold the scene I captured above once out of the station.  Really unexpected, unique, and beautiful I just had to photograph it.  Hehe!

However, I must also say, there was one other moment I wish I had thought to photograph on this Venice trip. Like railway stations, a train ride is just about like any other train ride, except this one I took to Venice.  Because in the train on the way, as it got nearer to the station, there was an absolutely surreal scene.  So surreal and rather incredible that it just totally failed to enter my mind to photograph it.  It was like a scene off Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away...the train ride over the sea, minus the characters of course, hehe.  My train was seemingly gliding over the waters off Venice.  And I saw some gondolas and Venice structures afar.  Incredible.  I was really awed, so awed I failed to photograph it.  Lol!  Worth a return trip one day though, if only to record that train scene.  Perhaps next time.


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