20 June 2005

Module 01b

I just opened the detailed specifications file of one of my first objects/modules for my new project assignment. I think I need to lie down. Haha! Jk.

I did get a mild headache though, attempting to understand the first contents that came out. When I should have remembered it's less taxing to do so if I had printed it first and analyzed it from there.

It's so alien. But just like with all things new, one just has to get used to the process. New project, new standards, new methodologies...

Waiting for things to finish printing...

Gotta run.

16 June 2005

Mi Perfil ++


Date of birth: late 70s
Lefty or righty? Righty

I am a Philippine-born
Chinese-Spanish-Filipino. And know the languages of my heritage, non-native speaker though I might be.

Where, what, why and how?

Occupation: corporate slave in mgm't and technology consulting
Education: un combinacion de estudios artes y direccion de empresas...
Schools: You wouldn't really wanna know would you?... hehe.


Music Video: Love Thy Will be Done (vocals by Martika; in black and white)
Food: Asian/Italian
Drink: none in particular
Car: maybe a mid-sized SUV. I'm not really a car person
Colour: shades of green and violet
Time of year: spring/fall
Day: Sundays


Do you believe in God? Yes
Optimist or pessimist? Realist
Cake or death? Pasta
Aisle or window seat? Aisle seat, anytime. :P
Give or receive? both
Batman or Spiderman? Batman
Mickey or Donald? Donald
Beach or Mountains? the beach
Alternative careers that would be interesting: international development work, urban planning, travel photography
Pet peeves? When I'm late, when others are late.

Me, Myself, I

I hate Mondays. And get Monday morning blues most of the time because I make the most out of my Sundays. haha.

I like going out and winding down a hectic workweek with dinner and coffee/tea with friends. I also love an occasional trip to watch movies, theatre, cultural event, etc. But most especially, when the opportunity arises, I love going out of town on weekends to the beach, mountains, other trips, etc...

But I'm also a home girl at heart.
I prefer to stay home on Sundays while enjoying a good read, crap on TV, or something on the Net. I'm not afraid of meeting new people but am not really a party-going person. My life is quite simple at the moment.

I like culture, languages, and photography. I like going out of town because it gives me new places, people, scenes and color to photograph. I like taking pictures and easily find interesting subjects and angles. I like walks/walking or exploring. Naturally, to travel is always a welcome idea for me, especially when I haven't been to the place yet.
It's always nice to explore and experience new places and learn more about oneself.

I'm not much of a shopping or mall enthusiast. Shopping is a chore to me. I shop for necessity rather than interest. Otherwise, I go to malls only 'cause I like hanging out with my pals.

If cities were used to describe me, I am a San Francisco rather than a New York. :P I prefer the former over the latter. I find the latter overrated.

I prefer wine/vodka drinks, over beer. But can only drink them when my tummy is not empty.

My most surreal experience would be when the Eurostar train I was riding seemed to be moving over or surrounded by the waters on its way to Venice. Waters and boats right outside the windows... That was awesome. And unforgettable. I was quite dumbstruck that for once I failed to take a photo of something I found utterly interesting. Bummer!!! haha!

And lastly, the 3 favorite places I've been to so far are Granada and Santiago de Compostela (both in Spain), Florence and Via Appia Antica (outside of Rome) in Italy, and any beach/island in the Philippines that's also like the one I went to in Panglao Island (yep, I took that pic) in Bohol province. I love the sea: standing by it, viewing it, walking by it, being in it, but not being under it. hehe! :)

Nu nu ni nu, ni nu ni nu ni nu... *whistling* ;P

1. who's picture you keep on your wallet?
>> My ID pics, you never know when you're gonna need them.

2. what time do you go to bed?
>> normalmente, despué
s de media noche

3. what was the last thing you did before you filled this up?
>> leo
mis emails

4. who's the one you always meet the most?
>> mis compa
ñeros de trabajo, mis padres

5. who's the person you're gonna call if you need help?
>> Los Ghostbusters...? haha.. ;P Mi familia.

6. what's on your mind just now?
>> Yo quiero mi caf
é aqui.

7. who's number on your speed dials?
>> ninguno

8. with whom do you wanna be to have fun?
>> mi familia y mis amigos.. por supuesto. ;)

9. what's your latest movie?
>> con Brad and Angelina.. no esta mi pelicula exactamente, pero una pelicula que vi. Mwehehe!

10. where did you last go out?
>> Fui al gran almacenes en Makati.

11. what do you hate the most for now?
>> the fact that my notebook PC needs formatting, badly!!

12. when was the first time you sleep alone?
>> huh? Yo olvido...

13. what do you wanna do for now?
>> post this to this blog

14. what do you do everyday besides eat and
>> leo mis emails

15. things that could piss you off?
>> tardiness

16. fave pet?
>> perros

17. what colors that make you happy?
>> shades of green and violet

18. most fave thing in your room?
>> mi TV

19. what was the last thing you bought for your room?
>> mattress para mi cama

20. any instruments in your room?
>> Nada

21.do you cook?
>> Normalmente, solamente cuando tengo que.

22. miss someone?
>> Pues.. no.

23. plan to buy something?
>> Si.. muchos.

24. are you satisfied with your life now?
>> Cierto... aunque todavia tengo algunas metas a lograr.

08 June 2005

A Management Consultant Joke

Here's a joke forwarded to me by an Aussie ex-colleague, who was a Managing Consultant in the Sydney office of one of the IT/mgm't consulting companies I worked for:

A shepherd was herding his flock in a remote pasture when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of the dust cloud towards him. The driver, a young man in a Broni suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses and YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the shepherd, "If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?"

The shepherd looked at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looked at his peacefully grazing flock and calmly answered, "Sure."

The yuppie parked his car, whipped out his notebook and connected it to a cell phone , then he surfed to a NASA page on the internet where he called up a GPS satellite navigation system, scanned the area, and then opened up a database and an Excel spreadsheet with complex formulas. He sent an email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, received a response. Finally, he prints out a 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized printer then turns to the shepherd and says, "You have exactly 1586 sheep."

"That is correct; take one of the sheep." said the shepherd. He watches the young man select one of the animals and bundle it into his car.

Then the shepherd says: " If I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my sheep?"

"OK, why not." answered the young man.

"Clearly, you are a consultant." said the shepherd.

"That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"

"No guessing required." answers the shepherd. "You turned up here although nobody called you. You want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked, and you don't know crap about my business. Now give me back my dog."

Nice to Know

Zara, the clothing/homestore from Spain, is finally opening its first branch in Makati. At Rockwell (why not Greenbelt?). Nice!!

07 June 2005


We just finished a major phase of our Oracle project (how else will I find the time to post to this blog). hehe! And now we can breathe better. haha! Maybe 'til the client feedback from overseas. Ack!

Also, tonight is our team dinner (and drinks?..hehe!). yey.
Then after this project, I'll be back to a J2EE project. Would also be interesting to work on the project being supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, for the government.

So now what's playing on my mp3 player?:
Shakira's Tortura single (feat. my favorite Spanish music artist Alejandro Sanz)

And this morning I woke up to a text message from a friend in Spain. Giving me my "wake up call". Saying it's already morning and "rise and shine". haha! Bless him. Indeed it was a good morning. Not humid/too sunny especially after the rains after midnight. The air was cool and breezy around where I live. The perfect condition to do some running/jogging. I wish I had the time to do that each morning before getting ready to leave for work.

Also, I got an important document I've been waiting for to help me get one of my plans going. *crossing my fingers*.

So here's to a great day. And hopefully a great week. =) There's much to be thankful for. Hehe!

Fascinate Me

Am still fascinated by:
- trains
- starfish
- star-filled sky
- dolphins/whales


As quoted from the Felicity TV series:

"Our best decisions, the ones that we never regret, come from listening to ourselves." - Sally

"Sometimes in a relationship, going through hell isn't so bad if you come out of it a little stronger. The same is true about friends." - Sally

And what do I say?
-- AMEN to that. ;)

06 June 2005

Obviously Between Tasks/Jobs Right Now

Testing... Doing research.. Please do not disturb.


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