11 November 2007

Too Many Links

"....wearing metaphorical friendship bracelets on the earnest Facebook, the punky MySpace, the careerist LinkedIn and the suddenly very Asian Friendster...As if that wasn't enough friendship for you, some of you have also asked me to be friends on the nerdy Twitter, the dorky-élitist Doostang and the Eurotrashy hi5."

I just read a rather amusing Time magazine essay by Joel Stein that I so relate to called "You are Not My Friend". It's about this outcrop of several networking sites online and having friends you would consider more acquaintances than friends.

All I can say is: I get similar invites too.. but I've opted not to sign on those additional ones. Maintaining one, two or three is a bit of a headache already and I don't see why I should add any more if it means more time online basically putting on the same information about me. Ack! hehe!

Blogging here is an exercise in itself already. And as I've stated in a previous blog entry, time, sadly has become a real luxury for 'lil 'ol office worker (read: me). Some things/activities are more important than having to maintain several sites with essentially the same info or set of friends.. ;-)

Now where's that DVD I need to finish watching? Time to go..


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