28 January 2007

Book Update

I don't think I'll finish reading The Fountainhead anymore. Have no interest in finishing it or even picking up the book and continue where I left off... Anybody wanna buy it from me? hehe! :D

Got a new book though, Thomas Friedman's "The World is Flat: a brief history of the 21st century".
It's a bestselling business book by a Pulitzer-Prize winning author who also happens to be a veteran journalist writing a column/s for the New York Times. It's the sort of book you'd find in the economics section at the bookseller's. Our Europe practice director in Paris recommended it. He said that things are happening in Asia and if you're not part of it, you'll be like left behind. And that it helps explain the direction our office/organization is going... Hmmmm....

Then with The Historian book by Elizabeth Kostova that I got last year, in English: well, as I was rummaging through my Europe stuff, I found this promotional bookmark with Spanish words in it which I got from Casa de Libros in Madrid and saw that it was for The Historian book. But of course, in the bookmark in black with some gothic design, it read "La Historiada por Elizabeth Kostova". Cool.

I still have several books I haven't started reading yet. :( But I think I'll start with the latest one "The World is Flat". Am sure it beats reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand anytime. hehe.


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