28 January 2007

Things to be Thankful For 2

1. Family and friends
Some people come and go, but these ones never do. =) No matter how you sometimes get annoyed by them or irritated by them, etc, in the end, they'll always be the ones who'll be around for you whether or not you want them to.

I am thankful that I have these people who encourage me or knock some sense into my head
even when I least expect it (you guys know who you are..); who helped me find my first flat when I needed one fast; who's up for dinner, drinks or a movie at the drop of a hat; who keep me sane when things are just getting crazy; who make me laugh and appreciate my day even while they're far away; who make me miss them and our times together and thus appreciate life more; who remind me even indirectly that God always is looking after me and to everything there's a reason; who make me learn from them just by being their sweet, bitchy, honest, funny, crazy, outgoing, quiet, singing, dancing, partying, sleeping selves, etc.. haha. And my dad for looking after me especially while my mom is away.

2. a good job
- where my interests lie, am challenged, and that makes me grow but at the same time pays the bills, and other extras besides, hihi!; where colleagues are very professional and yet know when to let their hair down and have fun

3. weekends
- when am free to do what I want or just rest at home

4. my pets Whitey and Basti
- who help me de-stress just by always welcoming me when I get home, by being sweet, and letting me stroke their pretty little heads (though Basti's might not be that little anymore sooner or later) haha.

5. having had the chance to go to Santiago de Compostela and the Vatican

6. people I met during my travels: strangers and non-strangers
(especially in Madrid, Barcelona, A Coruna, Lisboa, and Rome), who assisted me, accompanied me, looked out for me, shared with me, spent time exchanging stories with me, etc.. This is one of those times when you really believe that there really are angels in this world. hehe!

7. that am still healthy


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