20 January 2007

Books I Just Read

Currently reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. It's kind of boring. Must be because of the setting, or the dialogue itself. With characters so pretentious. Am in the middle of it.

And I just finished reading The Purity of Blood by Arturo Perez-Reverte. That was more interesting and enjoyable to read. I had not realised that the Plaza Mayor that I went to several times in Madrid used to be where the Spanish Inquisition held their auto-da-fe where they hung or burned their so-called heretics at the stake with the presence of the king and queen of Spain. It's quite horrid really. I can't imagine being in a society like that now. hehe.

But as to the Fountainhead, it's the sort of book where I want reading it to be over and done with. Fast. It can't be soon enough.


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