28 December 2007

candle light

candle light
Originally uploaded by smintFreak
photo of one of the candles on the tabletop at my birthday party at home outdoors tonight.

I like how the light, color, and shadows came out.

Shot in macro mode using my Canon Powershot camera.

22 December 2007

YM/Skype Statuses

Just wanna share some statuses I've encountered or put in in instant messaging (yahoo or skype):

"Energizer Bunny arrested and charged with battery"

- a friend's from the UK, funniest one I've come across so far..

"Life's a b_ _ _ _. Fill in the blanks..."
- mine when I was in one of my bad moods, and didn't want to really announce such to the whole world (i.e. people in my contact list who are sensitive to such pronouncements and might make all sorts of speculations..). I still like to keep my privacy. hehe!

"I don't even know my bloody blood type"
- mine.. taken from a line quoted by one of the characters in the Lost TV series... I thought it was quite witty.

"El Infierno es vivir dia a dia sin saber la razon de tu existencia"
- friend in Spain.... who loves to party... must be in a bad mood... hehe!

""Who has a friend, has a treasure. Quien tiene un amigo, tiene un tesoro."
- Spanish buddy in China

- former colleague now based in the Netherlands

11 November 2007

Too Many Links

"....wearing metaphorical friendship bracelets on the earnest Facebook, the punky MySpace, the careerist LinkedIn and the suddenly very Asian Friendster...As if that wasn't enough friendship for you, some of you have also asked me to be friends on the nerdy Twitter, the dorky-élitist Doostang and the Eurotrashy hi5."

I just read a rather amusing Time magazine essay by Joel Stein that I so relate to called "You are Not My Friend". It's about this outcrop of several networking sites online and having friends you would consider more acquaintances than friends.

All I can say is: I get similar invites too.. but I've opted not to sign on those additional ones. Maintaining one, two or three is a bit of a headache already and I don't see why I should add any more if it means more time online basically putting on the same information about me. Ack! hehe!

Blogging here is an exercise in itself already. And as I've stated in a previous blog entry, time, sadly has become a real luxury for 'lil 'ol office worker (read: me). Some things/activities are more important than having to maintain several sites with essentially the same info or set of friends.. ;-)

Now where's that DVD I need to finish watching? Time to go..

Some Nice to Haves...

1. this digital SLR camera with image stabiliser that's also light and small enough for travel

2. a CD of Christophe Maé's Mon Paradis album

3. stereo system in my room that's linked to and will play my archive of mp3s - need to research on this.. is there such a one by Bang and Olufsen? haha! Or will I end up with an ipod (noooo!! I hope not)?

4. three different pieces of furniture - one for my room, 2 outside my room

5. a new Macbook - but then again maybe not... as long as my current one still works fine.

6. a new mobile phone
- something as cute as the Sony Ericsson Z610i but with higher camera
resolution for those times when it's just easier and faster all around to whip it
(instead of a comparatively bulkier DSLR) out of my bag for shots/opportunities
needing faster response times

7. a new bigger bag
- but I just bought a leather messenger one that costs about as much as a Lacoste

shirt but which I can't bring to the office 'cause it's not that bulky enough for
all the stuff I bring to work; especially once I get the DSLR cam. :( *sigh*. It
looks great though, and I guess best suited for when going shopping. hehe!

- again I have to research on this one... am picky with bags but I prefer to spend
more on bags than on clothes. I usually end up looking for and buying a decent
bag/s more than for clothing when overseas (and so far, Italy wins for design and
functionality. haha!).

So Many Things to Do, So Little Time

So many things to do, so little time.

I think that's my motto right now. By this time of the year, I'd typically avoid commitments which can be postponed to next year. i.e., signing up for 3-month weekend classes for whatever subject.

Why? It's just a rather busy time with all those Christmas activities and traffc and events around the city. And me not being a mall or clothes-shopping enthusiast, I only go shopping when I absolutely have to, so when I do go, I end up making an errand out of it and ticking things off a checklist and end up with a lot of purchases 'cause I know it'd be a while yet before I'll be going back. hehe!

Lately, time for myself has become a luxury to me but I may have to restart thinking about staying home on Sundays if I need to get more things done.. arrghh! So I've signed up for driving lessons (on weekend mornings) out of necessity, to get that out of the way, and be a licensed one by next year. More about it on another blog entry maybe.

This month alone, I have two sets of relatives visiting from overseas (Hong Kong, and the U.S.). Then I think next month, I'll have two friends doing the same (from the U.S., and Australia). So I've been dining out more in the past few weekends. But enjoying it. :)

Maybe next year or the year after that, I should be the one doing the same - visiting friends/family overseas! haha! :P Which would mean I'd have to work myself to the bone and get my leaves in one go for that break. Hmmm!

Then I have some more stuff I need to buy for the house, my room, home entertainment, the kitchen, my pets, the list goes on...

01 November 2007

Le Roi Soleil

Currently listening to some songs off the soundtrack of this French musical called Le Roi Soleil. Seems like a musical romantic/comedy of sorts re Louis XIV of France..
It's quite good methinks... especially Ça Marche with Christophe Mae (can't believe his voice.. hehe!). Sounds fun... La Vie Passe sounds good too. That was the first song I heard while I was listening to French radio over the Internet, not knowing it's from a musical until I downloaded its mp3 and saw 2 videos of their performances over youtube. Check it out..

Should get a CD of this musical.. Hmmm! Better yet, I should have gone see it when I was in Paris since the musical has ended its run last July. Dang! There went that chance.. hehe!

So now its soundtrack is on my playlist.. as well as some other French pop music (MC Solaar, Blankass, Koxie, Laurent Voulzy).. I have a cd of Pascal Obispo from long ago, bought in Canada... like that one too..

Hallow's Eve Break

Currently on a one week break from work, inadvertently. Was supposed to be at work for 2 days out of the 5 (the other 3 being public holidays). But stomach started acting up. That's what happens when you've got friends/relatives over from overseas (Hong Kong to be more precise) and you go out to dinner and drinks with them and family... and it's not even a hangover! grrr! It was a nice evening at the Fort Strip though...

But attended a Hallow's eve dinner hosted by a very good old friend at a small hotel restaurant near Casa Armas in Malate... The restaurant evoked scenes of an old Parisian bistro.. with the red leather chair against the dark wood-panelled walls, art nouveau motif on the walls, lighting, and ceilings, and black and white diamond floor tiles in a small setting with more hush (
though we certainly made all the noise and laughter with both interesting and irreverent wit and conversation) and intimacy to hold a private dinner party with friends... unlike the usual places you find in the central commercial/business district... none of the loud bits you hear in restaurants in the commercial area.

Sometimes you need to take a break from those. I guess you can't really top Malate for genuine character. Strange how I remembered Malate when I was out with friends in Madrid, and in Princengracht in Amsterdam, and in Montmartre in Paris... made the the time spent in those places even more memorable if I may say so. Manila girl 'to! hehe!

I missed this place. Despite the hurly burly of Manila.. that's old Manila for you mixing with the new. hehe! The 12 of us exchanged stories and laughter over wine, great food, tarot card reading with a tarot card reader, candle fortunes, and some halloween lollipops of orange and violet color.

Hallow's eve is supposed to be new year's eve in the pagan calendar.. Learned that from them last night. Interesting.. Hence my friend hosted the dinner-cum-birthday party to welcome the new year and leave old baggage behind. Capped the night over at Cafe Adriatico a block away.. another old haunt, revisited. :)

Am glad I made it a point not to miss it. After some 1-2 months of having to beg off at the last minute from several invites (to 3 despedidas for two workmates leaving/resigning, and another for a German colleague who was our guide in Germany who was going back to Germany, + a beach trip over one weekend with the same German colleague, etc.) 'cause of work, am feeling a bit deprived, and this is indeed welcome and opportune. You can't just skip a an old friend's invite to celebrate her birthday and enjoy new and old company. And you can't come without a gift either.. hehe! Both are just not done. Old friend + new ones over an interesting dinner = great evening and experience. Should do this more often. :P

06 October 2007

Current Cube

My desk at work, where I spent the afternoon today... me poor soul! :(

My Moo Cards..

Arrived via Royal Mail... Had photos from my Philippines Flickr account printed on them. =)

16 September 2007

Buying Something One Hasn't Even Seen

Finally bought a car. And I haven't even seen it before I bought it. I don't know if that means I don't have time, or it's just that I need one and as long as it fits my idea of what I wanted to buy, it's fine. Hihi! Am not really a car person; am clueless about them 60% of the time. I only know about their manufacturers but not the difference of one model from another. My dad took care of checking it out for me instead. And I asked a trusted colleague as well about it since they know more about cars than I do.

What does my idea of a car I want to buy include? Well, it means I'd like an Audi basically, or a Range Rover. hahaha! I wish! Although that would be "bugbog-sarado" in Manila. I might just feel bad about using it here 'cause rest assured, it would really suffer a lot from the wear and tear of Metro Manila roads-driving. No flashy Beemers or other cars for me then. But since that's quite a stretch, the real idea (outside of an Audi or an SUV), is a sedan that's big enough that you won't be a tad bit embarrassed to drive one on the highway or to formal occasions (Sigh.. the pressures of an urban life...). So no sub-compact cars for me. I think they'd be too small, especially on those occasions when you have guests from Western countries with a larger anthropometric scale than your average Southeast Asian. And none that would have me indebted to pay for it every month for the next 3 years at least. Not wise, methinks. I hate to have debts to pay for years on end unless it's a mortgage on property maybe.

Ended up with a U.S. car that belonged to my uncle and it's not so bad. They hardly seemed to use it it's like new, especially when they have several other vehicles and just bought another one. It's cool. So I quickly decided to snap it up without seeing it first after learning about it and how much they are selling it to me compared with if I bought another car from a dealer with my budget (which would limit me to an older model that isn't as nice as the one my uncle sold to me, from an owner I don't know). Better that I bought it from someone I know who used to own it, than a dealer I don't know ('cept maybe if it were an Audi. Freak. haha!). This one I got is still considered a new car, for the price of an old one. Hence me getting it fast without seeing it first (but having my dad check it out and my colleagues' feedback). It's a steal basically. Lucky me. Hihi!

I've finally had enough of commuting home from work in cramped environs with the rest of the rat race at the central business district. And in a city of about 12m, that's one formidable rat race, with a thin veneer of civility when it comes to lining up, paying the fare, and taking seats. And when I say thin, it's really thin enough to make you want to live in non-urban areas with kinder people after years of such environment, or maybe to another country that's less populated. And in cramped environs, one is forced to, like, slouch when seated along with the others. And I can already imagine what that's doing to my back for the long term especially when I already have a back problem from carrying a laptop for work, and being seated for more or less 8 hours each workday at work. It really sucks. Apart from feeling dead tired from work with a headache to boot, having to commute in such conditions adds to the stress. I have to get to the public transport terminal first after a bus or jeepney ride and some walking. It takes about an hour and a half to arrive home after I leave the office when I take public transport. And I haven't been able to hack it in the past few months that I've ended up having to have an additional day off from work on some weeks and wishing we're allowed to work from home once each week at most maybe. I guess the office location is one of the reasons as well, since it's not in a central location. It sucks.

I suppose this says a lot about quality of life in Manila. I mean, if there is any at all. hihi! I don't know how to drive yet. I grew up having a family driver/chauffeur to bring us to and back to school among other places until I started working, when I decided it would be easier to take public transport and free up the car use to other family members who drive or need the car/driver (am the only one among my siblings who doesn't drive). So while I have yet to learn to drive, my dad will be the one driving me to/from work. And I'll see if I'll bring it myself once I know how. I think I prefer that I'll be picked up from work instead of me driving home, 'cause I'll be tired and can't drive with a headache in the evening in the streets of Metro Manila and along EDSA or the highway. I'll probably just drive it to work for practice after the driving lessons, then hand it back to my dad to bring home and pick me up later after work. *Sigh*

Okay enough about these boring bits.. Maybe soon I'd be ranting over owning a car. hehe!

05 September 2007


That's the pattern of the rug in my room (above). I love running my feet on it when entering my room upon arriving home from work. And it's sort of a stress relief seeing it too.

On a side note, I took out a senior consultant/boss/colleague/guest from our UK office last Saturday (we just started a UK project), and met up with Norwegian colleague/senior consultant and his family too. We went on a day trip with a teammate (who brought the car, Norwegians have their own) and his girlfriend. Saw the sights, and had dinner afterwards at a nice and quiet restaurant with a great view from above of a lake with a volcano while the afternoon turned into evening. Cool. =)


it made me seriously think about getting my own car. For when there's a guest and for those times when I wanna go out of town anytime. Argh! Maybe it's about time. But would not be driving it to work except maybe for practice since I don't know how to drive though our family driver tried to teach me long ago. Prefer that I be picked up from work instead of me bringing the car. I'd be too tired to drive going home.

Been putting off buying a car for so long 'cause it seemed that taking public transport is easier than me having to drive. But in the end, it seems, it's better as long as I am picked up from work. Shortens the travel time. Plus I won't be so dead-tired each time I arrive home from work.
And my cousin/uncle is selling one of their cars, of a U.S. brand. So maybe I'd get that instead of buying a brand new one. *Sigh* We'll see.

12 August 2007


ref magnets from everywhere

I got quite bored today. I finally started on the photo album of the photos of my Spain trip in 2005 and took photos of:
  • the ref magnets on our freezer door in the kitchen (see above).
  • the little bookshelf behind the door (when it opens) in my room with some snow globes I bought in Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain (see below).
little bookshelf in my room with snow globes from Europe

08 August 2007


Finally, I was able to buy myself a copy of a CD of Sergio Mendes' album
Arara. It's not anymore out in the market. Bought it second hand on Amazon.com. And it's like it's new and barely used. No scratches not even on the jewel case. Cool! It has Brazilian/jazz music instead of American mainstream pop. I remember playing this several times back in high school. And been looking for it eversince.

22 July 2007

Sunday Musings

Nothing much new lately. And I won't even start about work. That's guaranteed to either bore or irritate you. And I'd rather keep work-related stories private if I can help it. Whether or not am happy with it or people at work. hehe!

The only thing that stands out lately is that it seems all my friends have been leaving the country one by one. Even some cousins. To the US, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia. That's just this year alone. I'm sad 'cause it'd be a while before I may see them again. Will miss them.

Am alone at home. With just the pet dogs Whitey and Rainey for company (but Whitey's at the garage, and Rainey's out in the living room). It's so quiet, the Sunday sort of quiet without anyone else in the house.

And I don't feel like going out because it's just too hot. And have been getting fewer friends to go out of town with since they are or have been leaving the country one by one. I should be next! hehe!

A uni in the UK wants me to send some documents for a post-grad degree. Not yet sure if I should take them up on that. Since London seems like a theme park, and not as safe as I'd like. Am not a big city girl maybe. :P Always enjoyed the smaller cities more in Europe.

rapeseed field in Germany, shot from a
train window. They use rapeseed for biofuels.

Stuff I miss in Europe:
1. the parks

2. the big trees
3. the walks in weather that won't make you pe
rspire like mad
4. countryside scenes - i.e., little church and spire suddenly sticking out of a small community of homes you can see over the fields that a train whizzes you past.. I don't know what to say. It's very European.
And quaint.

27 June 2007

Visual DNA

Here's something quite creative that I found on the web, my visual DNA.

Based on the photos I chose for each category they presented, turns out that:
  1. I have an Easy Rider mood.
  2. For fun, I am an escape artist.
  3. For habit, am a new wave puritan.
  4. And for love, am a love bug.

25 June 2007

New Web Presence

I just created a new web presence for me, at multiply.com.

I am thinking that it's one of those web things that would help me consolidate my blogs, and photos, etc. in one site, online. And make it easier for me to share my online photo albums with friends and family. But it won't replace my blogging here in this site. This is still my primary blog site, for now. hehe!

I named my new web presence at multiply.com centelleo. It's Spanish for twinkle. ;) Check it out.

16 June 2007


Our new pet Raine...

Sometimes called Rainey, she's a 3-month-old female shitzhu puppy. That's her, resting between my slippered feet, and standing on her hind legs (upper images), on the floor, and between my feet (lower images). Cute furball. haha!

13 June 2007


And what might this be?


Above is a photo of the cubicle doors inside the ladies' room of the Rijks Museum branch at Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands.

They depict a print/s of Rembrandt's largest painting that is showcased in the main Rijks Museum in Amsterdam: the Nightwatch. I like that museum. =)

01 June 2007


four 2-euro coins, matchsticks, and 500 Philippine pesos

At the time the photo was taken last April, with the exchange rates back then, 8 Euros = Php 500.00. Niiiice!! Kaloka!!! haha!

These Shoes were Made for Walking...

my beat up Teva sandals in Germany

...more like these sandals were made for walkng.. ;)

My Teva sandals in fact. It's been to everywhere with me. I used it during my trips to Europe, among others. And it never fails to keep my feet from hurting at the end of a long day of exploring, whether it be during trips, to the beach, or at the malls.

It's lightweight, dries easily, designed for river/streams and stones really. Didn't hurt as much at all when I walk over cobblestoned streets and alleys in Europe.
Easy to pack too! And can double as slippers I use in hotel bathrooms, and my hotel rooms.

Bought them in 2005, and costs about 20 USD more or less, or Php 1000.00++. And it's still kicking! hihi! 3 years old now...

See my pics wearing them everywhere...:

Click on an image to enlarge.

31 May 2007


You know things have changed when you get recruiters knocking on your door offering you IT jobs (Oracle ERP, and Java/J2EE) to apply to since 2-3 years ago and up to now in:
  • the Netherlands
  • the UK
  • Belgium
  • Singapore
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Glasgow, Scotland
  • Luxembourg
  • the US
  • Italy
  • Nice, France and
  • Australia
So indeed walls have broken down. Maybe these recruiters think I'm based in Europe (for the European ones), I don't know. And am left thinking.... and hoping that you don't have a boss who might feel threatened by you/your skills... :P

24 April 2007

France Elections

The French presidential elections... Who do you think will win?

Took the following photos down at Butte Montmartre in Paris, at the foot of the steps going up Sacre Couer...

ad campaigns for French presidential race

ad campaign for French presidential candidate Segolene Royal at Montmartre

Crystal in Cologne

Went to Cologne on a weekend last March... And took this photo by the shop window of the Swarovski store there.

Oops! Who's that reflected on the glass? Hihi! :P

Saw these little flower thingies long ago online and thought them cute. The ones I like cost about 42 Euros each. Was nice to see them for real in Cologne, and Paris, and Bremen, and... But still didn't buy one. haha!

If in Amsterdam they still turn up this weekend, maybe it's really telling me something. Lol!

15 March 2007

Getting Ready + Lonely Planet

In less than a week's time, I'll be away for a few months.

I've already bought what seemed to be the last remaining copy of Lonely Planet Europe on a Shoestring at Fully Booked at Rockwell. I made a reservation of it over the phone, while none can now be seen in their Lonely Planet bookshelves when I dropped by to pick up my copy. Whew! 'Cause Powerbooks, National Bookstore, Bibliarch and A Different Bookstore don't carry this title. And since I've used the same guide last 2005 (my friend's copy, in Madrid...) and it saved my ass when I arrived before sunrise in the south of France (but that's another story), I still preferred to get its latest edition for my trip this time, instead of its counterparts by Rough Guide or Let's Go.

I also bought my second Lonely Planet travel journal there as well. The first being what I used in 2005 while in Europe. I like this travel journal of theirs 'cause it's spiral-bound, just the right size, with a soft sort of leather cover (so the journal doesn't easily get dog-eared whenever I stuff it in my bag), has a world time converter, journey details form, etc.. The one I had last 2005 was used up. There was no blank page left by the time I got back home.

my Lonely Planet travel journal atop the table of my seat inside
the Eurostar TrenItalia train at Venice going to Rome, 2005. On top
of it is the remainder of the sandwich I had ordered from the Buffet
food court at the Venice railway station. It's the same sandwich I used
to feed the pigeons that pecked me at Piazza San Marco. haha!

Am glad I saw its latest edition at Fully Booked when I picked up the Europe on a Shoestring guide (especially since the other booksellers I mentioned above don't sell it). Though I wonder if I'll get to use this one up as this time around, I'm going to Europe for work, and can travel at weekends only.

Am gonna do my errand shopping tomorrow after work for this trip. I don't plan on going out this weekend except to go to North Park for lunch or dinner with my family. There's no North Park or wanton noodle soup with Hong Kong-style noodles where am going in Europe I think. hehe! I'll really miss it, hence North Park, the only decent Chinese restaurant near my residence. I expect there to be a lot of different kinds of potato dishes on the menu while in Europe. Huhu! :( I think I'll die! haha! :D

I'll be packing up on Sunday I guess. And hope not to reach up to 20 kg for the check in luggage weight 'cause I expect to be bringing more stuff back here. Which means I might be wearing jeans and runners on my departure since they're both the heaviest items to wear; and thus lighten the load of my check in luggage. *Sigh* I don't really enjoy wearing jeans that much. I actually have only 4 pairs of blue jeans. The latest one is 2 years old or more already. The Lonely Planet guide I bought is easily 2.5 lbs heavy, but I'll be stuffing that in my hand-carried backpack.

I'm also having second thoughts about bringing my Mac notebook. 'Cause am already bringing another laptop for work. Argh! If I don't bring my Mac, then it means I'll be doing some serious file transfers between the two notebooks. How tedious! I hope I don't forget to copy anything else that needs copying from my Mac to my work laptop. Waaa! Am gonna miss using my Mac. *Sigh*

To prepare for Germany, am meeting up with my German friend before I leave. Was supposed to meet today but we both got up very late, despite setting up our alarm clocks. Pasaway! hahaha! Well, I hope we make it on time next week.

While in Europe, am not sure yet if I can go jogging regularly, if at all. Or swim. Will know once am there. The hotel has a pool but it's gonna be creepy if I'll be swimming laps alone at night. Might just have to get used to it I guess.

03 March 2007

Going Away and Packing To Do List

I need to do some packing this weekend. Before I leave for new places.

Am moving to a new place while going overseas for a work assignment for some months, and have lots of stuff to pack. Ack!! Books, knickknacks from my desk (which I still want to know where they are when I get back from overseas), CDs, DVDs, stuff on my desk, clothes, toiletries, accessories, bags, etc... Too much stuff! Huhu!

Am bringing my Mac with me overseas though. Even though I'd have another laptop for work. I couldn't leave it. And am not even an obssessive and overly proud Mac fan. Hmmm.. I am just used to working with this notebook a lot. All my stuff are there: photos, blogs, mp3s, finance matters, lists, etc.. Which also means I might have to buy a notebook sleeve for my Mac for protection even when inside the laptop sleeve of my North Face backpack. Duh.

Apart from the requisite cold-weather pieces of clothing, I need to have/bring the following books:
- Lonely Planet Europe on a Shoestring
- Lonely Planet France/Paris or
- Lonely Planet Germany
- The World is Flat v2.0 by Thomas Friedman (if I haven't finished reading it by the time I leave)
- Time magazine issue which I need to finish reading as well
- a fiction by Arturo Perez-Reverte

Also won't forget to bring the following gadgets:
- my nifty Canon digital camera
- my Sony Ericsson W800i mobile phone/camera/walkman
- my USB thumbdrive
- the chargers for my Mac, camera, and phone
- all the compactflash cards for my camera

Have to suspend my Time magazine subscription while away.

I don't think I'll be going out much while away. Only plan to visit maybe two to three cities of priority (in France, Germany and the Netherlands) and the rest depends on convenience, boredom level, or work schedule. If only the Schengen visa already applies to the Czech Republic, would have added Prague as well. Tsk! Oh well. As long as I get to visit at least two of my target cities, then am happy and good to go. haha! I can be a homebody for the rest of the weekends of my stay and just take photos of nearby places at work. I just wanna do some photography stuff, and eat healthy while away but also try local stuff (beer, wine, not so much cheese, that long French bread, etc. haha).

Since am packing stuff, the thought entered my mind that maybe next time, I'd be packing 'cause
am leaving my workplace. Not too happy about the thought of being just one among so many bees. Does not seem so interesting anymore. Would get routine too, or tiresome. it has certainly crossed my mind. So I guess eventually, I will shift work again; with something that's more broad and not limited to IT but still interesting. I already know what it is. Hehe! Just a long-term plan for now. Food for thought!

26 February 2007

Chillin' in Puerto Galera

Spent a rather nice time last weekend south of Manila at Puerto Galera in Oriental Mindoro. Last time I was there, was in 2005, and didn't enjoy it that much as it was a company summer trip. Too chaotic.

sunset at Puerto Galera

The beach. It's about the nth time that I've been at Galera. This might be the last time I'll be to an honest to goodness beach of the Philippine kind before I get sent somewhere cold overseas.

So I thought I better grab the opportunity while it's not yet the peak of the summer season and we have lots of guests coming over from overseas. The more the merrier.

rocky grounds of a beach lodge


Went with some colleagues from Manila, Australia, Singapore, Spain and Sweden and my brother, too.

guys at sunset

galera evening

cute dog

distorted image transfer of sand and bamboo path going to the beach

19 February 2007


Okay. Go ahead. Say it.
Am an online quiz addict. teehee! :P

Oh really eh? But I don't enjoy vegemite at all... Like the koalas though. :P

You Belong in Australia

Sunny, upbeat, and cute
You make the perfect surf bum
Now stop hogging the vegemite!

Your Hidden Talent

You're super sensitive and easily able to understand situations.
You tend to solve complex problems in a flash, without needing a lot of facts.
Decision making is easy for you. You have killer intuition.
The right path is always clear, and you're a bit of a visionary.

You Are a Candy Heart

You're definitely a pro when it comes to romance - and you have great dating etiquette.
Plus you probably smell and taste pretty darn good.

Your Luck Quotient: 68%

You have a high luck quotient.
More often than not, you've felt very lucky in your life.
You may be randomly lucky, but it's probably more than that.
Optimistic and open minded, you take advantage of all the luck that comes your way.

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is medium.
You probably have had a couple significant loves.
And you may have even had your heart broken.
But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people.


Your dominance is low.
This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.
You know a relationship is not about getting your way.
And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.


Your cynicism is medium.
You'd like to believe in true and everlasting love...
But you've definitely been burned enough to know better.
You're still an optimist, but you also are a realist.


Your independence is high.
You don't need to be in love, and sometimes you don't even want love.
Having your own life is very important for you...
Even more important than having a relationship.

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is low. Even if you're tempted, you'd try hard not to do it.

You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

18 February 2007

eeni mini mynee moh

"(insert my two first names here..)!! Europe is asking.... For Germany and Norway.... Before it's just for Germany, now, there's Norway too. "

"So, Norway, is that okay with you?"

That's the director, approaching me in front of everyone, telling me our Europe office is asking that.

Hmmmm... Ms. Norway?

The next week:
me to PM who just got back from business trip to Chicago: "I've been told am being deployed..."
PM: "Which countries were mentioned...?"
me: "I've been asked for Norway but Germany was also mentioned"
PM: "Well, you, which do you prefer?"
PM: "Germany or Norway?"

Huh? Now Germany too? Ms. Germany.. hihi.

A few days later:
Director: "France has asked, how about it, mademoiselle?"
Director and PM: "Where would you like to be?"
Director and PM: "Germany or France?"

Ms. Germany? France?

*sigh*.. I've been asked. At work. Now am confused.

Pwedeng UK na lang? Then it's Ms. England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. hahaha! :P Where do you really want to send me ba? haha! jk!

But I already know where am being sent. Regardless of which I prefer, management prevails, bien sur. And that's fine by me. As long as it's in the EU, and that it happens to be part of the top 3-4 countries where I want to be assigned. They all seem the same to me now. Except that at least I know some French whereas I don't know much German; just guten tag/morgen, danke schoen, achtung, schneller, scheiss (kids, don't say this at home :P), and bitte. :P And that Norway would have letters like this: ø. haha!

But bottomline is that, I get deployed. I left my previous employer when I knew I was being sent to the US (with an interview booked already at the embassy) because I was contacted and given a very interesting proposition by the soon-to-be-next and now-current employer that there'd be a lot of travel involved when I said I wasn't really looking to find a new place to work. And he started asking me what would make me leave my current employer. They certainly know when to throw the bait. haha!

Oh well. As to where am going in the spring, that's for me to know, and for you to find out. Soon enough. Hihi! I already know where am going. And it's to some place cold. :P Not much clue there, no? hehe!

04 February 2007

Some More Quizzes

And my outrageous name is...
Your Outrageous Name is:

Sue Shi

Your Blog Should Be Purple

You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.
You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.
You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.

Your Blogging Type Is the Private Performer

Your blog is your stage - with your visitors your adoring fans.
At least, that's how you write with your witty one liners.
And while you like attention, you value your privacy.
You're likely to have an anonymous blog - or turn off comments.

You Are 40% Impulsive

You're a pretty stable and serious person. You don't take things lightly.
This doesn't mean you can't have fun - you just have fun responsibly.
You definitely have a spontaneous side, but you only let loose when it's appropriate.

Your Summer Ride is a Beetle Convertible

Fun, funky, and a little bit euro.
You love your summers to be full of style and sun!

You Have Low Self Esteem 16% of the Time

Which can be translated to mean, you have high self-esteem and a healthy sense of self worth.
You believe in yourself, and you know how to be the real you. You love yourself, imperfections and all.

Your Dosha is Kapha

Calm and grounded, you are not prone to mood swings or anger.
However, once you do get angry, it takes a lot to cool you down.
You tend to think a little slower than most people, but your logic is astounding.
Overall, you very loyal and trustworthy. You're not scared of being who you really are.

With friends: You enjoy their company, but often listen more than talk

In love: You crave connection and affection. It's hard for you to be single.

To achieve more balance: Exercise vigorously (especially in the sun) and let go of attachments.

Your Seduction Style: The Charismatic

You're beyond seductive, you're downright magnetic!

You life live and approach seduction on a grand scale.

You have an inner self confidence and energy that most people lack

It's these talents that make you seem extraordinary - and you truly are!

How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You give and take equally in relationships.

You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.

You Are Dancer

Carefree and fun, you always find reasons to do a happy dance.

Why You're Naughty: That dark stint you had as Santa's private dancer.

Why You're Nice: You're friendly. Very friendly.

Your Mood Ring is Dark Red

Very happy

You Belong in Paris

You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris.
You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe.

Your Candy Heart Says "First Kiss"

You're a true romantic who brings an innocent hope to each new relationship.
You see the good in every person you date, and you relish each step of falling in love.

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a romantic dinner your sweetie cooks for you

Your flirting style: friendly and sweet

What turns you off: cynics who don't believe in romance

Why you're hot: you always keep the romance alive

You Communicate With Your Ears

You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker.
What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions.
You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself.
Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod.

You Are 12% Slacker

You are anything but a slacker. You're truly a go getter.
You never let laziness get in the way of living your life - and you can't stand to see it in others.

You Are 68% Happy

You are a very happy person. Generally, you feel content and that all is right with the world.
Occasionally, you have a down day - but you have the ability to pick yourself right back up.

Huh? Does this not apply to Spanish, too? :P
Your Inner European is Swedish!

Relaxed and peaceful.
You like to kick back and enjoy life.


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