13 December 2008

Martika - Love Thy Will be Done

One of my favorite songs and videos... great lyrics, song, and cinematography/photography...

"I see all of your creations as one perfect complex
No one less beautiful or more special than the next..."

God's will be done indeed. =)

music written by Prince
sung by Martika
video directed by Michael Haussman

15 October 2008


my pet Whitey at rest

12 October 2008

Bought a Tripod in Quiapo

Manila Central Post Office at Dusk

I took the photo above with my cellphone camera while inside a moving vehicle. That's the back of the Manila Central Post Office -- a neoclassical structure designed by American architects Burnham/Parson (same guy/s who architected Chicago, among others) when the Philippines was a colony of the U.S. in the early 1900s -- by the bank of the Pasig River, with Jones Bridge at dusk.

The photo was taken on my way home after a day in Quiapo/Carriedo and Chinatown with a friend. I was able to attend mass at Sta. Cruz Church while waiting to meet said friend who was really nice enough to accompany me to Quiapo and help me lug around that tripod and even insisted on paying for our merienda meal at a little hole in the wall noodle house in Chinatown. I kinda felt bad about those, but I really appreciated those efforts, so I owe that friend very big!

So, I went to Quiapo to buy a tripod for my DSLR camera. The first shop I entered, at the corner of Hidalgo Street, beside Henry's camera store, had some young Westerners buying camera gear. Naligaw rin sila in Quiapo? lol. The store sold tripods. But I wasn't able to find the tripod brand/model I was looking for there. And what they have, doesn't come with a bag.

In the end, I found the tripod I was looking for at a store called M20.

Interestingly enough, its show window had this collection of really old cameras to the new ones like they archived the evolution of cameras. Two of those on display were similar to my grandfather's old camera, which I remember playing with when I was less than 10 years old, maybe 6 more or less, and seated inside his office behind his desk, which had in turn become my dad's office/desk. My granddad had passed away by then (he passed away when I was an infant).

old RolleiFlex Camera

Anyway, I don't know what brand it is but it's the sort of old camera where its viewfinder is at the top, and two round lenses are on the side facing the subject. So when you use the camera, it stands vertical, instead of horizontal (like how we use cameras now). To compose your shot, you bend your neck forward to be able to peek into the viewfinder, at least if I recall right. Lol! And when you click to shoot, you actually see the aperture blades closing in like it does on those James Bond montage, lol. I remember even seeing probably dust in the viewfinder. Like some slivers or specks of dirt or sometihng. *It was like this camera and shown above. It's just nice seeing that camera again.

They also displayed a Diana fisheye lomo camera but I didn't ask if they sell lomo cameras as I'm staying away from spending too much money when I don't even have time to have films processed. Maluho na yan! Next time na! haha!

So back to the tripod thingie, I bought a Velbon Sherpa 800R. And it came with a bag. So that was good. It was the last in stock and I was able to bargain with the salespeople re the price. Glad I had my friend with me. We were able to lower it further. Lol! I had really no idea what right tripod to buy but asked around from some photography-enthusiast friends the day before buying, and that's what they recommended. Finally I have a tripod now and can maximise the use of my DSLR. hihi!

*camera photo from cosmonet.org

11 October 2008

Philippines - Map of Visited Areas

The Lakbayan results below only reminds me of how much more there is to see in my own country than in Singapore. Areas marked in blue are places where I've been to or passed through travelling around the country eversince I can remember... with family on weekends out of town, or friends.

My Lakbayan grade is C!

How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!

Created by Eugene Villar.

Singapore was kind of a dud, if not for some friends who hosted me while there. There isn't much to do in Singapore but the city stuff.... and we have lots of that and more in Manila.. *sigh*. Greenbelt, Bonifacio High Street, Serendra.... much more interesting, and hands down the winners especially after Greenbelt 5 opened... more beautiful/interesting people to see too.. hihi!

I guess for someone like me who likes culture and travel photography more than I do shopping for fashion and stuff, Singapore didn't exactly meet my expectations. What they have, we usually have, except for the strict enforcement of the law. :P So what else might be interesting? But thank goodness for the Singapore Zoo. But that's it. Lol!

I'm sure I'm really gonna be bored if I live and work there so I've turned down job offers for Singapore IT work. If ever I accept an offer, it might be because I'll be sharing a flat with good friends and hence lessen the chances of boring myself to tears and homesickness.

I was actually quite eager to go back to 'pinas again especially while at the airport waiting to board my flight back home. I was eager to see different things again, no matter how third world. Different housing structures.. unruly billboards... huuuge traffic.... pastoral farmlands and silhouettes of mountains by the highway, great beaches.. different kinds of people with varying degrees of dress and fashion sense... At least it seems more diverse and alive.

It was just somehow tiring seeing the same landscape of similar housing structures and all that in Singapore.. everything seemed uniform. It actually crossed my mind that is this what it might be like (even a bit) living in a communist country? Heck even China seems more interesting. In Singapore, I was at the metro already and it seemed like I was still in their mall. Things like that... It was like there was something missing and I just can't point out exactly what it was? Soul maybe? I don't know... I was just glad to go back to something like the Philippines.. Lol!

In the meantime, all things being equal, I'd rather stick with the Philippines, its life, vibrancy, places to see, culture, and diversity of people than settle in Singapore. It was good while it lasted but it's not a destination I'd care to go out of my way to revisit for leisure purposes unless somebody else foots the bill. :P

10 October 2008

Life and Dreams

"It's not about how you achieve your dreams,
but how you live your life.

If you lead your life the right way,
the karma will take care of itself.

The dreams will come to you."

-- Professor Randy Pausch
at the closing of his "last lecture"
at Carnegie Mellon University

Words of wisdom aren't they? Certainly resonated with me and some of the major choices I've made with my life, whether good or bad. So it also reminded me of how true those words are.

And I'm sure many who read, listened, attended, or saw that lecture have several instances in their lives to which that statement applies and they can relate to.

The professor has since passed away but am glad I finally got to watch what his "last lecture" was all about. =)

01 October 2008

You Might Wanna Read This

a transcript of Warren Buffet's interview with CNBC... re the current Wall Street crisis affecting the US and the global economy.

New or Used Car?

If the car in question is not a reliable German car (read BMW or Audi that gives you value for money), buy used. hehe!

If I had the money now and as well as for any additional maintenance costs (what with the roads and reckless drivers in Metro Manila) I'd buy an Audi (new or used). *sigh*
or should that be, *huhu!*? Lol.

me and my Audi :P in Germany, with my initials on the plate

I'm one of those people who sort of live according to the principle derived from a quote by William Morris, "Have nothing that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." Keeps things simple. :)

That's why I bought and use a Mac (though it's not that expensive anymore now), and just got myself an older version of the iPod (the iPod Video, which costs about 2x or more the cost of the latest iPod Classic version). Using Mac saves me computer repair problems in the long run (not to mention the time and effort it'd take to have it repaired), and gives me a better computing experience. And I would buy a designer bag (i.e. Hermes, Dior, Balenciaga, Loewe, Lanvin, or LV... the authentic ones of course :P) if I know I can use it on a daily basis without breaking my back. hehe!

I guess in the end it's a matter of being able to afford quality or knowing the value for money of the item one wishes to own and use. If it means less time and effort spent trying to keep up with the Joneses yet still not be dowdy (unlike when you change cars every few years because there's a new hot Japanese car model out..), less headache for me, less time spent for maintenance, and hence I get to spend my time and live my life in quality, then I say go for it. Time is now my luxury. I'd rather spend it doing things I like doing than spend it over headaches, inconvenience, and stress that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

I'm for spending more now for a few more expensive/quality items that I know I'll be using regularly and would last me longer, than often buying less expensive but ultimately unusable items that probably wouldn't last 2-3 years and end up looking like it's ready to reside in a trash bin, sold, or given away in a shorter time than you would have liked.

The above principle doesn't always apply to my apparel/shoe shopping habits though. And I don't buy accessories much, only when I need them. But that's another story.

Just my two cents'. =)

21 September 2008


Okay, time for some low-brow content (just can't resist).. hehe.

I don't recall which site got me started on reading some society chizmiz blogs tonight...
Let me try to recall the originating page as I write this. But these blogs and their reader comments are just so so entertaining and funny one link just leads to another! It's a freakin' high school-mind-like guilty pleasure reading them. Lol!

And one of the society guys being mentioned (or is it attacked?) was a high schoolmate (and friend of friends) who's part owner of this now-rather-notorious dance bar a stone's throw away from where I work... Shhh!

I especially love Kitty's Go's "When Chic Hits the Fan" blog. Lol! Way to go Kitty! (a high schoolmate of some cousins naman).

Now I recall the site that led me to the above links: the blog by Professional Heckler who provides satire and wit re local current events and celebrities, which led me to the blog by the Aussie guy allegedly wronged by a socialite Pinoy ex which in turn led me to Kitty Go's site.

So to spread the guilty pleasure around, see this and this. Enjoy the reads ladies, gents, and gheys... ahihi!

16 September 2008

Tracking My Apple iPod Shipment

I've finally succumbed to the call of the iPod, 7-9 years after its first release.

Above is a screenshot off amazon.com of the shipment of Apple iPod Video 5.5 Generation that I ordered. I tracked the courier shipment of the package. (Though of course, this blog post will only be posted with the above screenshot once the item's reached its intended destination. Hehe!)
So it has left the seller in New York and just departed New Jersey.

I just hope that when it arrives at the delivery address I entered, that the item shipped is the right version and not the latest iPod Classic/6th Generation... crossing my fingers. Don't want and am afraid of the hassle and headache of returning an item plus the wait time for the returns and refund processing and follow-ups.

You might find it strange that I opted for the older version; but having read the reviews online, it turns out that newer is not necessarily better. One consumer/reviewer online even posted that the latest version is "a lemon" and that many discerning consumers have noticed, promptly returned their latest version and are scouting for this version which is now discontinued by Apple. Lol! And that the best iPod version it seems is arguably the Apple iPod Video 5.5 Gen. This version should come in a box with one side depicting Johnny Depp/Capt. Sparrow in the movie Pirates of the Carribean, not the one with pop artist Nelly Furtado.

I thought I need only buy the latest/Classic one, but found out that the Apple accessory called Camera Connector does not work with the Classic version or versions after the 5.5 Gen (read: the latest), and not with the Mini, Nano, or Touch either.

The Camera Connector accessory makes transferring/backing up image files from a digital camera or card reader straight to the iPod Video without lugging around a laptop with you or needing a computer to do so, especially when you're travelling. So it's more convenient and you get to archive your image files straight away. 'Cause the first time I went around Europe, I always had to take time to make stops at photo stores so that my image files could be written to CD and I can free up my camera cards again. I find it weird why the latest iPods aren't compatible with the Camera Connector accessory.

I largely ignored getting myself an iPod of any sort all these years 'cause I didn't think I needed a fancy portable mp3/music player, until I learned that this iPod Video version can actually also be a portable external hard disk where I can view the photos I've backed up straight away. I recently lost several months' worth of photographs, music files, and carefully archived copies of important docs after my generic (Seagate?) portable external hard drive crashed and I don't think it was even 2 years old yet and it also still had about 30 gb of capacity available when it did. So this time, I don't mind spending more on something that I expect should last longer and is altogether more convenient and easy to use.

This version of the iPod actually costs more now than the latest models. I can't believe it at first either. But I guess demand drove the cost up? Since the 6th/Classic/latest version turns out to be inferior to the older version? *shrugs*

This iPod seems like a personal computer already. I can store probably almost all multimedia files I've accumulated and am still accumulating with it, then view them, listen to them, play with them, etc. So it's not just a music machine then, and therefore not entirely a waste of money and probably not hyped either like I used to think it was (but I'll know once I got my order in my hands. hehe!). Hmmm... The only thing missing with it is Internet capability. Lol!

I just hope they deliver the correct version, and that it functions right. I first checked out if Manila computer stores still sell that version but no, all now sell the latest. So when I saw that only 1 was left in stock in amazon.com -- the white one -- I just finally had to buy it. I need it and would likely not find another brand new one anytime and anwhere accessible soon. Lol! So let's just wait for the delivery and hope all turns out right.

31 August 2008

Weekend Musings

Dropped by a little park in my village... saw some guys playing tennis at the tennis court, others football (or soccer)... I was thinking to jog there but one side of the park is driven past by many cars.

So I decided to just do my jogging at the street or drive nearer to my house where few vehicles drive along and is not a busy area. In other words, back to my old jogging path. hehe!

I also dropped by the clubhouse to check how busy the swimming pool might be at dusk. Not busy. No one in the pool at all. Turns out it's because it's off limits from 5pm unless you reserve the area overnight for a party or other event. Gah. Lol! It's open 'til 5pm only 'cause the life guard works 'til 5pm only. Oh well. At least I was able to jog... now that the rainy days have stopped.

Am thinking of another alternative exercise to engage in that's accessible from my place, among tennis, biking or swimming. For tennis I need lessons. For biking, I gotta get myself a bike, and for swimming, well, I just have to be at the pool by 330pm at the latest. Lol. We'll see.

23 August 2008

Jaiku is Down

Jaiku.com is down for maintenance.. So:

Am currently setting up and playing around with a little Java project with someone from London who's this IT Manager for a finance company in where else? London.

Am setting up Tomcat, Maven, Spring, and any other stuff that needs tweaking with my Mac for this little project... it's kinda labor-intensive but fun nonetheless.. Let's get this s*** to work. Lol!

19 August 2008

Tech Buys + Opinions opinions..

I am currently keeping up to date with what's being released in tech gadgets lately, because I am thinking to:

  • replace my mobile phone
  • buy a new point and shoot, and perhaps,
  • a new Mac notebook.

But then, I thought to wait some months more since I'm not in such a hurry and new gadgets get released later in the year in time for the holidays, + their improved versions about 3-6 months later. I'm not the sort who changes gadgets like a fashionista follows the trends in a blink of an eye. hehe! I usually buy one only when the current one stops functioning right and I don't want to bother getting it repaired. So even when the item's more expensive than normal it's ok since it'll probably last longer than it should and I know I'll be using it much. I make careful choices regarding the gadgets I buy. Which in turn could turn out to be too wise of a choice, because they turn out to be too durable so I've no excuse to be in a hurry to get a replacement when I feel like it. That's a good way to keep my tech purchase decisions in perspective and not just get one 'cause they're hot. Hmmm...

I've still no iPod of any sort 'cause I've no time to listen to anything that way yet, so it'll be wasted on me. But if you can give me an iPod to which my DSLR camera can easily connect to so it would serve as sort of like an external hard disk to which I can immediately and directly archive/backup my photos while on the road or out of town (without having to lug or use a laptop) with little or no hand-wringing, that might make it sold. Hehe!

My notebook's a more than 2-year-old Mac, and my cellphone cam is a 3-year-old Sony Ericsson w800i bought when I was going on a backpacking trip through Europe for some months to serve as a photography backup in case I hit a snag with my old Canon digital camera.

They've both served their purpose very well (the SE w800i and the Mac). Both have been with me on my trips overseas. And the Sony Ericsson phone has so much more battery life than my then Canon camera that I used it so much whenever am on the road travelling. Very convenient. 'Cept for the shutter sound it makes for which there's no option to turn off. Very obvious when you're inside the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican attempting to sneakily photograph Michelangelo Buonarotti's The Last Judgement (no photo-taking allowed) and you're this Asian holding this ubiquitous but modern little camera in cream and orange color masquerading as a phone. (How very Japanese. hahaha!) If a guard had stopped me, I probably would say, "Bene, scusi signore, it's not like I can come back here anytime soon to my heart's content. And hey, no flash!" (you smarty pants!) hehe! Can already imagine the museum guard exclaiming, "Mama mia, signorina!", complete with hand gestures. Lol! But I digress.

a section of the ceiling depicting works of
biblical scenes by Michelangelo.
See Adam and God reaching out to each other on the left.
photo taken in the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican using
my Sony Ericsson w800i walkman phone with 2mp camera

Anyway, while thinking of what new point and shoot camera to buy next, it occurred to me why was I considering them when Sony Ericsson's releasing a new range of cellphones with their Cybershot camera later in the year. It seems like it might be the end of the point and shoot as we know it. Their new cellphone/camera range is more like a Cybershot camera with a cellphone instead of the usual other way around, + wifi. Hence, traditional digital point and shoots beware. It might indeed be the beginning of the end. Why carry one of each when you can carry just one combined, right? Particularly when you're looking to get new ones of each.

I am thinking that just like when I bought my old Sony Ericsson phone with camera, I might as well buy something that also has both too since I'm thinking to replace my cellphone and get a new point and shoot at the same time.

So am checking out the new SE models and hoping that the output of their cellphone camera this time is akin to the quality of output and range of options found with my old Canon point and shoot digital camera with manual/shutter/aperture options, etc. I am waiting for proper reviews of the camera in the SE C905 model once it gets released. I've an Olympus E-510 DSLR camera but carrying a point and shoot doesn't hurt either, depending on the time, place and opportunity present for taking photos.

There were times I had hoped that the iPhone would offer a camera with similar capabilities. But I guess that's a bit far off where Apple's concerned. So far only Sony Ericsson's offering much more decent camera capabilities that's perfect for shutterbugs like me, while other phone brands are into the touchscreen, apps, and internet functionalities so far. Which aren't so bad except I'm a shutterbug and not too much immersed in the Internet 'cept when it comes to posting photos I take and when am utterly bored and have nothing else better to do (then I blog, like here).

I'm not too into social networking either. I've still no Facebook account and have no plans yet of creating one. Life was simpler not getting sucked into the cyberspace void, and more private. Sometimes I tend to think it would be hubris for me to post so much of my life online and tell the world of friends' and families' names and faces sometimes without them knowing, including their kids' photos even.

But hey, if it makes some happy to do so for themselves you know... *shrugs with hands raised*... and Google and Facebook, and others like them are just too happy to earn from you, too. hehe! You don't really need to belong to as many social networking sites as possible to be considered cool or whatever do you? hehe!

So far I've posted photos with friends, but do not identify them by name; and little or none of/with family. They're not for public consumption. Perdoname. Lol. The most I'd probably do would be to keep it within the family, and so share only with family whatever family pics I post online. Capisce? ahihi! I don't mention the names of the companies I worked in either, past or present, if I can help it.

Anyway, I must be really bored that I've actually written this piece. And I hope my Sony Ericsson w800i dies soon, and my Mac (well, not really)... Lol!

11 August 2008

Lost Data

My external hard disk just recently died on me. I lost a lot of files but most of the important ones I've backed up to CD prior to backing up to that hard disk. The CDs were the source of most data in that hard drive. So am fine with that.

However, all the photos I have from March to Sept. of 2006 are now lost. No CD back up there. Waaaah!! Most of them were photos from work, with the project/team I was on. And the time I spent on that employed period was among the better experiences I had, plus the friends I gathered along the way, were just simply valuable.... *sigh*. My office venue at the time was also the best location I've ever worked in so far. Arrrghhh! This incident really sucks!! Grrrr!!

That's like 6 months worth of recorded memories of my life history lost. Uggh! Demmit! Might have to arrange to get copies from one of my friends from work at that time who might have stored copies of her own. Gah. Hi J! *waves* lol!

Good thing I still have copies of the 2006 photos worth around 3.5 gb big since I haven't backed those up to another storage medium yet either. The backed up ones were in the said external hard drive. Am just really glad I hadn't thought to delete those 2006 photos from my other computer, its primary storage location.

Lesson learned: always back up data to CD/DVD/whathaveyou, and not just to an external hard drive that lasts 1 - 3 years on average (in my case, less than 2 years). So remember: Have data + storage media, won't wait and will back up.

And that's that.

12 June 2008

You Might Just Regret Getting an iPhone

Here's the phone that just might bitchily slap Apple's iPhone. Lol!

Sony Ericsson C905 or Shiho

Sony Ericsson's Cybershot 8.1 mp phone.. with some bells and whistles: auto focus, face recognition, a new feature called Smart Contrast, image stabilization, BestPic, red-eye reduction, xenon flash as well as photoflash for both photos and videos. It’s got a video stabilizer feature as well. You can geo-tag your photos with the built-in GPS. Not bad.

To be released later this year. Read all about it here.

I for one am certainly very very curious about it. And might make it my next mobile phone purchase instead of an iPhone. Hehe!

*photo from the Unofficial Sony Ericsson blog

07 June 2008

Currently Reading....

I'm currently reading this book:
Rite of Passage: Tales of Backpacking 'Round Europe, edited by Lisa Johnson for Lonely Planet Publications.

It's light reading but it brings back memories of my first backpacking trip on the same continent for almost two months. The first story alone, is set in Granada, which ranks among the most memorable and top 3 favorite places I visited thus far. That was really nice reading, if only for the fact that it brought back really good memories of my exploring old Granada: its Albaicin district with its cobblestoned roads and whitewashed walls, the Plaza Nueva, the Plaza Sta. Ana, the Alhambra, etc... and even the Spanish gent who approached me, made small talk and asked me out to coffee at a nearby cafe (which I declined 'cause I had other plans... Lol!).

The following passage in particular, for the chapter titled "Waking up to Winter", by one of the contributors -- John Morgan -- resonates so much with my sentiments on the matter:

"I'm breathing with a light and free feeling.
It's a feeling of release and independence as
I begin my European journey.

Backpacking somehow sets me apart from everyone.
Even in this airport.
True, people here are traveling, but
they each have things to do, deadlines to meet,
itineraries to follow, specific things to see.
Not me.
I'm different.
I have everywhere to go and anything to see.
My destination is culture and
knowledge and experience."

And it really felt that way each time I leave one city to go to the next and I'm on the train or bus to that destination. Or whenever I start the first day of exploration of each city I went to.

Spain was really cool: going on the road to the not-so-cosmopolitan areas... seeing small Andalucian towns and homes at day or night as the bus passes by; seeing the Alhambra and the flora surrounding it lit up and perched on its hill in the evening even from afar; seeing from on the road farms and stone farmhouses in the dark with a full moon for their backdrop; or the Mediterranean with the unforgettable sight of pastel-colored hue of the ocean and waves with white crests rolling towards the shore and the road of pretty homes on the way to Barcelona from Granada. A credit card advert puts words and cost to some items or experiences as priceless. But no amount of advert or words or pictures would justify seeing, hearing, and experiencing all these. It's really nicer to travel on the road rather than by air, when you have time. Hehe! I love road trips and train trips! :D

I read the book after I've been to Europe more than once. And thus made me appreciaate the book more. Maybe if one reads it before going to their first trip to Europe, they'd appreciate the trip more. :)

*Image above from Amazon.com

01 June 2008

Travel Bug vs Priorities

My travel bug's itching again!

And a bank has just issued me another credit card to replace an old one that has to do with earning miles. This time this new card earns me twice more mileage points for whichever applicable air miles service (out of at least 5..?) I want to use them for. Ack! And it covers insurance for lost/late luggage, among other things.

I'm not sure yet if I am happy about it or not.
The pro: you get more mileage points for future travel.

The con: you get more tempted to want to travel or spend to earn the mileage points even when you have other priorities. It's a con 'cause we aren't getting any younger after all, I'm not Paris Hilton, and there are some priorities that are more important to spend a huge amount of money on. I don't want to grow old regretting not having secured my future more as early as I was capable of it. hehe!

But then, this time, my travel bug is like urging me to go somewhere south of the equator and farther than Disney but where the topography would be similar to Tibet/Himalayas, and my foreign language lessons would come in handy. Ahehe!

a travel must-have: my sturdy backpack on the seat next to me,
covered by my sweater and rested upon with my left arm

photo taken with a phone camera (another item bought for
travel and blog reasons)
on a bus trip to Lisboa, Portugal from Spain

However, -- and this is where the priorities bit start kicking in -- the cost of living has gone way up almost everywhere. Gas, food, utilities, etc. The UN has just announced that the increased food prices would stay that way for some time or at least a decade. And yes, I sometimes reel at the cost of my fuel bill that the thought of finding work closer to home has crossed my mind, even though I love where I'm at right now. Bummer!

It used to be really easy to just save money so I can travel and take photos. Some people buy gadgets, expensive shoes/clothes/bags, cars, etc. with their hard-earned money. But for me, I prefer to use them for travel or experience and photography so I'm clueless about how one pair of Havaianas sandals differ from another (I don't own any overhyped Havaianas either. I find it rather sad to see how some locals here would actually line up and buy them on sale. What's up with that? I don't really get it.)

I guess it's really a matter of priorities. Sure I like bags, clothes, etc too. But I prefer to see and experience new things more than get something which I don't really need or already have and that still works. My more costly expenses have something to do with travel too (bags, shoes/sandals, and camera stuff), and not because I wanna be some hot fashionista (see photo above). Lol!

I travel on budget. I stay in hostels, avoid fancy restos, sometimes eat on the way since I'd also be pressed for time and not get to do much shopping... would rather explore and take photos first than shop. The last bit sucks somewhat 'cause I wasn't able to buy some items I would have liked for my house since I was backpacking across several countries/cities and it would have been difficult to lug them breakables with me and just my backpacks...(plates, Murano glass products, Lladro figurines.. huhu!). I know better now for next time. I wouldn't pass up the chance and find every way possible to be able to bring those items back home. 'Cause that was the only major reason why I didn't buy them. *Sigh*

So yeah, the increased cost of living had me worried. I thought I should rein in my travel bug. But it's always there, and is a part of me.

So, I guess I'll just have to really prioritise and plan on saving for the things that really matter more (for long term security) than using my money for travelling, until such time that I'm able to get those plans out of the way and I'm free to just save up so I can travel again... starting next year at least, if my 'south of the equator' plan pushes through late this year. Lol! :D We'll see how that goes... things change. Hehe!

17 April 2008

Walang Magawa? :P

Then create a slide online.... ahehe!

That's a slide of my pics wherever I went. I =). I got bored at home, sick. Wssn't well so I wasn't able to go to work. But in the evening as I got better I had nothing else to do and found this site and decided to put some photos up here.

Glad I got to use Christophe Maé's music for this slide. I like that song. hehe! And I've put this slide in my profile page in my multiply site.

I also created another slide for the front page of my multiply site but that's another story.

Might remove this post someday though, as I'm still not comfy showing all photos of me for posterity. :P

13 April 2008

Metro de Madrid Ad ft Filipinos

A friend in Madrid, N, just recently sent a youtube link to a Metro de Madrid (Madrid subway company) ad that featured Filipinos. The dialogue was in Tagalog, and Spanish subtitle is used since it's played in Spain. I Like-y!! See a snapshot of the ad below.

Despite the seeming pandering to stereotypical notions of the Philippines, it still somehow well-represented the culture. I liked the language they used, the choice of words, the dignity, etc...

Seeing the ad made me miss Madrid/Spain though, especially when I heard the voice-over guy speaking in Spanish. :( Brought back memories. 'Cause it reminded me of the TV commercials there, as well as, of course, almost everything else I heard while in Spain that really brought home the fact that I was in Spain. Waaaa!

The ad also reminded me of the good things about the Philippines. For once here's a nice representation of the country/culture without the unpleasant distraction of Western pop culture imbibed into it as it is imitated in local media.

Also, Filipinos don't have a bad rep in Spain. At least I didn't get that impression while I was there. They are all hard-working and honest and friendly.

Kudos to McCann Erickson and of course, to Metro de Madrid. I love Spain! :D

You can find another youtube video of its longer and somehow funnier version when you go to the link above.
Thanks N, for sharing the link... =)

07 April 2008

The Tudors

I'm currently watching the first few episodes of the first season of The Tudors by Showtime.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a good actor, but I still think he is miscast for the role of Henry VIII. He doesn't look anything like someone like Henry VIII. Lol! Just does not seem as convincing while he tries to act the part. Too young.. and slender. haha!

The actor who should have played Henry VIII should have been Steven Waddington methinks. Always liked this actor in his role as Duncan in Michael Mann's the Last of the Mohicans when I was a kid, and saw him again too in Tim Burton's Legend of Sleepy Hollow (that was really nice, seeing him acting again).

And in the Tudors, Steven plays the Duke of Buckingham (he's the one in the extreme right in the photo above courtesy of imdb.com). The Duke was caught plotting to assassinate Henry 'cause the Duke of Buckingham was supposed to have been the rightful king if Henry had not won the battle of Agincourt in France.

If this was not history, I'd say, Steve/the Duke was planning to attack J. Rhys Meyers/Henry for the role: "I should be the king! King of England!" haha! After all, he's English, and J. is actually Irish. And seems better suited to the role of Henry. Tsk! hehe! Plus he has a bigger build and seems more mature in bearing than the latter and it would have been more accurately reminiscent of Henry VIII. Too bad he only guests in the show and dies in the second episode.

In this show, I like four actors so far:
  • Sean Pertwee (the ambassador who was assassinated by the French in Italy in the first episode; dang! another good actor who's not part of the regular ensemble),
  • Steven Waddington,
  • Jeremy Northam (playing Thomas More of that Utopia book), and
  • Maria Doyle Kennedy as Queen Catherine.

Other key cast members look really young for the characters (i.e. Ann and Mary Boleyn, the other guys at court, etc..). One thinks that maybe this show was targetting younger audiences (oddly reminds me of Gossip Girl) hence the choice of casting J. Rhys Meyers as King Henry. Very sad.

But still entertains. That's Henry VIII after all...

25 February 2008

Another Trip

Off to a tiny city state for an almost week-long break. If you consider it a break. Already packed a backpack of clothes.

There's not much culturally or historically significant site that's worth going to there. And it has never been one of my target destinations, but I'll be there 'cause:
  • a friend thought I should join her as she goes back to her old place of work to get her reference letter from her old boss for her UK post-grad app,
  • round trip air fare is unbelievably cheap, and
  • got a place to stay: my friend's place
  • nice addition to the collection of stamps in my passport. cute decoration. lol.
  • new place means new photo opps ;)
So it's just like spending about as much money as when we go out of town/Manila to another island/beach.

I'll just take photos and visit their very important zoo. And take photos of the animals there too. And hopefully get to see a polar bear there.

Apart from hanging out with buddies, other to dos for this trip:

  • check out the IKEA store there
  • find a new pair or two of Teva flip flops to replace my one and only old pair of Tevas
  • go to a photo/camera store to get a lens adapter for my Olympus (stores in Manila don't carry any for Olympus apparently, and it sucks knowing so)
  • go to Sanrio stores there and get stuff I might like with Hello Kitty, My Melody, and Bad Badtz Maru... probably something for my desk or car
  • probably see the Raffles Hotel, Clark Quay, shophouses in Chinatown, etc. Any place worth taking photos of. I'm thinking night scenes might be better and more distinct.
  • get my meals from street hawkers
I'm just disappointed that they don't have H&M yet there. A bit surprising actually. As they have Zara, Mango, etc. And Hong Kong has all 3 (I'd be totally shocked if Hong Kong didn't have H&M). I like H&M. Always left H&M stores in Europe with several items of clothing. 'Cause they can be here today but gone tomorrow. They have cheap throwaway clothes that are fashionable. And I'm not exactly a shopaholic/clotheshorse so H&M suited me fine when getting new clothes/wardrobe overseas instead for lack of time/interest back here/home. It's cheaper than Espirt or Zara but yeah you probably won't wear it again next year or so.

So, maybe I'd like the place enough to move and work there. Who knows. We shall see.. Hehe!

29 January 2008

Should I or Shouldn't I?

But I already have! hihi! I just created a new account with Vox. So essentially, I just gave myself another headache since Vox does not cross-post with Blogger or Multiply. Hmmmm..

See a screenshot of my Vox site below (with its third template design in 2 weeks..., ignore the Mac interface at the bottom and top) with Firefox:

But I couldn't resist Vox's many different kinds of templates/themes which get updated with new ones. Argh! And I've since begun organizing my Vox site and hoping that yeah, eventually, I think, I might just continue my blogs there, instead of here. I can't find other interesting design templates here in Blogger anymore. And I'm getting tired of my current Blogger theme. :(

Vox also has communities. But unlike Multiply, has less control re privacy.

Sigh. If only I have more time, I hope to migrate all the posts I created here to Vox.

27 January 2008

My Pets, January 2008

Took some photos of my pets Rainey and Whitey this weekend.. to test using the Olympus E510 DSLR camera I just got from the U.S.

Rainey is the small hairy Shih Tzu, and Whitey is the -- what else -- white mixed breed dog (siberian husky, poodle, cocker spaniel, and street dog mix). hehe!

That's Rainey complaining that she couldn't play with Whitey while she's tied up to the bamboo bench. hehe!

I brought out Rainey to the front of the house, but tied both her and Whitey away from each other. Rainey stays at the back of the house and Whitey stays at the front. But during the day, we take Rainey out front but within careful distance from Whitey.

Whitey is our male pet dog who's just about ready to do you know what to Rainey and we can't have him siring weird-looking puppies with Rainey. So we're very careful with them when they're in the same vicinity. Lol!

Seems the camera works just fine. Cool!

13 January 2008

Hermés Silky Pop Bag

One of those nice to haves...

the Hermés silky pop bag

a reusable shopping bag: ideal for errand/mall shopping
(but not grocery for me... I don't think so.. 'cept for toiletries maybe.. hehe!)

folds and zips into this neat little leather packet which
you can bring anywhere with you, ain't that just cool?

in another design

I think it's a cute tote for when travelling, and yes, shopping, especially since I haven't seen any fake one of this around. Hence, no other clones toting the same style bag as you. hehe! Sometimes, I wish I had Paris Hilton's budget. Haha! This little thingie costs more than the latest Olympus DSLR E510 camera I just recently bought. Waaah! Better off buying jewelry I guess. I better luck next time.. *Sigh*


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